Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Plant (Part 1)

Background on Art: This was a three-part commission, depicting some lovely school girls falling victim to a monstrous plant.  The entire series is my favorite commission done by Faustie and this picture is probably my favorite in the series.  Hopefully my three-part story will measure up to his great art.


Thompson heard giggling and he turned around. Two of the private school brats were wandering through the hallway. They had apparently fallen behind the rest of their class, who had long since passed through on the tour. Sanders gave Thompson a knowing look. He then turned to the girls. "Ladies, you should not be wandering these hallways without your class."

"Sorry, we were just looking for the bathroom," said the blonde girl and her brunette friend nodded her head in confirmation. Sanders have Thompson another look.

"The bathroom is that way," Thompson said, pointing to a doorway. But both Thompson and Sanders knew that there was no bathroom through that hallway. In fact, no one without a high level security clearance was allowed through that door. Or at least they would never be allowed to exit back through it. The brunette thanked Thompson and the two girls opened the door and went through. As soon as they were out of sight, Sanders opened up a cabinet that lined the wall of the hallway. He grabbed two rags and a bottle of chloroform and the two men went through the same door as the girls.

(story continued after jump...) 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Faustie's Site Redesigned!

Check out Faustie's brand spanking new website here.

The Alien Mine (Part 2)

Note: Not one of my commissioned pieces, but the parts to the story exceed the number of commissioned pieces so I will use some other art from Faustie that I enjoy and that are similarly-themed to complete the story.

(continued from Part 1)

When I eventually woke up, my assault had ended and the cavern had emptied of the ant creatures. I moaned, my whole body sore. The agonizing pain was centered on my pussy and ass, which felt like they were on fire. I could feel stickiness that I knew must be cum probably mixed with my blood, slowly draining out of my ass and pussy, oozing down the crack of my butt and my thighs. My back and neck were also throbbing in pain, presumably from the forced position I was. My jaw ached from the gag shoved in my mouth. Looking at the girls strapped into the stockades in front me, I could see what I imagine my own backside looked like: gaping assholes, swollen red sexes, and a white slime coating their asses and thighs. I could hear some of them crying softly. Perhaps from the same soreness I felt, but also probably because, like for me, their new reality was setting in. We were trapped on an alien planet. Wherever it was, it was outside of humanity's known universe. There would be no rescue. We would never see our families or friends again. This was our life now, and it appeared to be unimaginably horrifying.

(continued after the jump..)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Delivery

Note: Not one of my commissioned pieces, but a cool piece and an inspiration for my story. Credit:

Sal called out, "Anderson delivery is up." That was my delivery. I went into the kitchen to grab the pizzas. I tried to ignore Sal as he stared at my chest. He was such a pig and he didn’t even try to hide the fact that he was creepily staring at my tits I wondered if he even knew what my face looked like but I was positive he could pick my boobs out of a lineup he stared at them so much. I hated this job so much. Not that I ever had illusions that delivering pizzas for a summer would be fun; I guess I just didn’t grasp how much it would suck. The pay wasn't great and I mostly relied on tips. And most people were lousy tippers. One top of that I came home every day smelling like pizza grease. I would immediately jump in the shower but I always felt like I never got rid of that damn smell completely. And on top of that my boss was a pig who eyed my like a hungry dog. I hated the job but I needed the money. I should have looked for something in the mall, but instead I was delivering pizzas, and having to ignore Sal as he constantly stared at my chest. I took the pizzas and quickly turned around to head out. I was sure he was staring at my ass but at least I didn't have to see that. I was so sick of his creepy staring that I was actually looking forward to the summer being over and I could go back to school.
(continued after the jump...)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Alien Mine (Part 1)

Background on Art:
This commission, which followed my antlion series of commissions, was to feature an alien mine, in which lizard masters enslaved a larger alien species to mine and also enslaved human women to serve as "R and R" for the alien slave miners.  The commission was for only one picture but the story will be two parts.

My eyes fluttered open I squinted in the bright light. Groaning, I rolled over in bed. Morning already? It felt like I had just gone to sleep. I pulled my face up and tried to look at my alarm clock. Three thirteen? That didn't make sense. It was too bright to be three in the morning. And it wasn’t possible I had slept until the afternoon. Even if I somehow could have slpet that long surely my mom would have waken me, I had school. The electricity must have gone out and the clock reset…

But as my eyes adjusted more, I realized something was not right. The light was not sunlight, it seemed artificial. Had I left my light on and fallen asleep.? No, the light was coming from outside and had a bluish hue, as if someone was shining a spotlight in my room. Suddenly the light focused into a large beam and shone on me. So it was still the middle night, but was what the light? I was so confused. I tried to sit up. I couldn’t. My body couldn’t move at all. I panicked and tried to jump up but not a single muscle would move. It was like I was paralyzed. Just a second ago I could move, what was going on? Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up. No one was in there lifting me, it was like I was floating. I tried to cry out, to call for help; my parents were in the next room over. I couldn't speak or make any noise. Why didn’t my parents notice this light? Why couldn’t I move, why couldn’t I scream? This had to be a nightmare.

I was floating on the beam of light, up towards its source. Suddenly my window swung open and I floated out through it. I tried to scream again as I felt the cool night air against my skin but again no sound came. As I floated towards the source it became so bright that I was blinded by it and could see nothing. This had to be a nightmare. I must be dreaming. But try as I might I could not make myself wake up. I felt myself being lifted and lifted. Then I blacked out.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Antlion (Part 5)

Note: Not one of my commissioned pieces, but the parts to the story exceed the number of commissioned pieces so I will use some other art from Faustie that I enjoy and that are similarly-themed to complete the story.  Credit:

 (continued from Part 4)

As the days or maybe weeks passed I grew to accept me life even more. I not only craved the orgasms, I needed the orgasms. Because the thing I needed so dearly was given to me by the creature, I came to see it very differently. And I began to realize that the best way for me to get orgasms and avoid pain was to accept my place, as inferior to this creature. It utterly dominated me. It controlled every aspect of my life. I ate only when it chose, I fucked only when it chose, I was only allowed the orgasms I desperately craved when it chose. I only remained alive because it allowed me to live. But while I was clearly inferior and at the mercy of the creature, I still served an important purpose. Some humans, like the man that had been dragged down here were nothing but sustenance. I on the other hand was not mere food; rather I was the mother of its brood. My womb helped spawn more and more of these superior beings. I imagined that its brood, our brood, was spreading, slowly subjugating humanity. I no longer saw myself as its prisoner. I was a slave but now a willing one to this higher being that was my Lord. If I behaved like a good slave my Lord treated me well. If I did not, like my sister, I would be abused and punished as she was. That was her choice but I thought it a stupid one. Why fight our Lord? It was pointless. We had learned that the hard way, or at least I had. Stacy maintained her futile defiance.

(continued after the jump...)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Antlion (Part 4)

Note: Not one of my commissioned pieces, but the parts to the story exceed the number of commissioned pieces so I will use some other art from Faustie that I enjoy and that are similarly-themed to complete the story.

(continued from Part 3...)

I woke up to Stacy nudging me. I lifted my head and looked at her and she pointed towards the creature. For the first time since we had been pulled down into the pit, the creature was moving around the cavern. Using its tentacles, it was dragging itself around the lair. Stacy and I watched and after a brief moment it suddenly latched onto the walls with its tentacles and began climbing up until it reached the ceiling which was about twenty feet above us. As we watched it, it suddenly disappeared up a large hole in the center of the ceiling. Suddenly we found ourselves alone in the lair. Stacy and I looked at each other. Stacy stood up first, wincing as she did. I soon followed and also winced in pain. I was sore from the constant fucking by the creature, plus my muscles cramped up easily since we rarely moved around. Stacy ran around the perimeter of the lair, feeling the walls. “We need to find a way out!” she yelled to me. I soon joined her, feeling the walls. We walked in opposite directions along the perimeter until we met in the middle. Neither of us had found anything but solid rock or well packed earth. We started feeling around on the floor. Still nothing. Stacy and I looked at each other. I could see the disappointment on her face. We then looked up at the ceiling. Apparently that hole was our only possible route of escape but there was no way for us to get up there. Suddenly we heard noises coming from the hole and, realizing the creature was probably returning, we both ran back down to our corner. The creature suddenly popped through the hole back into the lair. It was dragging a man. A screaming struggling man. The man was dropped to the floor and he lay there for a moment stunned. Like us, he had apparently been stripped naked. The creature began crawling down the wall, rapidly. The man looked at us for a brief moment, clearly in shock and confused. He thus did not react before the creature pounced on him, grabbing him with its tentacles. The man screamed and started thrashing around but, as we knew, the creature was much stronger than humans. It dragged the man towards it. The creature apparently had a different use for this man. It dragged him towards its mouth-like hole and began shoving him inside. The man was screaming and struggling wildly as the tentacles slowly stuffed him into the mouth. The man went in slowly, head first, and it took perhaps a couple minutes before he had been completely swallowed. I could hear the faintest of muffled noises inside the creature, which I realized were the man’s screams, the sounded dampened by the mass of the creature now enveloping him. Stacy and I sat there watching the creature in shock. The muffled cries and screams from the man lasted perhaps an hour or two, growing fainter and fainter until we could no longer hear them.

(continued after the jump...)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Antlion (Part 3)

Background on art: A sketch that Faustie did prior to the final pieces in the series, I thought the sketch was pretty cool and hope he doesn't mind including the unfinished piece here.

(continued from Part  2...)

This treatment continued for several days. The tentacles would ravage us and then release us, leaving us panting and exhausted; then we would retreat to the corner furthest from the monster. Several hours would pass, and the ordeal would start all over. Though I had originally decided the creature was like some mutant octopus I later decided it was more like a mutant sea anemone. It physically resembled an anemone, with its body moth and tentacles. With few features, it seemed like some cross between a plant and an animal. It did not seem to have any consciousness or awareness, let alone intelligence. Its tentacles were its only movement and those only moved when it was seizing and ravaging Stacy and I. Otherwise the thing lied completely dormant. I wondered if the creature actually was some sort of sea anemone that had been undiscovered by humans or if it was some sort of alien from another planet. Though I couldn’t be sure, I decided it was probably the latter. Whatever this thing was, it seemed to prey on humans and if this thing had been on earth all along, surely we would know about it. Or perhaps it was still undiscovered because the only humans that saw it were the poor women who fell into its trap. I decided in the end that it did not matter. The answer to its origins did not make Stacy’s and my nightmare any more or less bearable.

(continued after the jump...)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Weird Science (Part 4)

Background on Art:  The final piece of my Weird Science Commission.  A fantastic series by Faustie.

(Continued from Part 3...)

 As time went on, I could feel the brood in my belly begin to move around. My stomach was so swollen and there was so much movement that I became positive that more than one "baby" was growing inside me. This was confirmed some time later when I woke from a particularly delicious Mark dream to the sounds of my blonde neighbor as she began to gasp and moan. By this time her belly had grown obscenely large. I looked over at her, the noises she was making different from the regular noises of pleasure she and all of us made. The tentacles in her vagina, mouth, and anus actually withdrew from her body, yet she continued to moan.

(story continued after jump...)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weird Science (Part 3)

Background on Art: Part 3 of 4 of my commission.  I came up with the general idea that the poor damsel would be secured in some sort of next, secured by tentacles while the things in her womb gestated.  Faustie took that idea and made a great piece of art.  The orbs were completely his idea and I had a lot of fun trying to tell a story based on the power of those orbs.  I thought it really took the ideaaway from a traditional "tentacle" story and made it unique.

(continued from Part 2...)

I didn't even notice the persons enter the room but suddenly I heard footsteps and five individuals circled me. The figures wore what could best be described as spacesuits, or maybe radiation or hazmat suits. They wore helmets with darkened visors and I could not see their faces. They looked like regular people, except that they were all incredibly short, all less than five feet tall. I whimpered as they approached me, too weak to form words, but I prayed these spacesuits were here to rescue me, to take me home. The spacesuits said nothing to me. They just approached me and two grabbed me by my shoulders, while two others grabbed my legs, and I was lifted up into the air. I moaned softly "someone please help me." Still silent, they ignored my plea. The fifth spacesuit held out a black hood. Before I could say anything further, he shoved it over my head, blacking out my vision. Crying softly, but too weak to fight them, I felt myself being carried away. I was carried for some time, the hood preventing me from knowing where I was being taken.

 (story continued after jump...)

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Antlion (Part 2)

Background on Art: The second and final part of this commission, showing what the "antlion" had in store for its poor "ants."  As I mentioned before, this was only a 2 part comission but the story will have several more parts. 

(Continued from Part 1...)

I turned to where Stacy looked with wide terrified eyes and saw what had dragged us underground.  Whatever it was, it was not of this world.  The creature actually did sort of resemble an octopus, or at least a mutant one.  Its body was a round green mass and the dozen tentacles that had grabbed us sprouted from the creature’s body and writhed around in the air.  In the center of the creature’s body it had a large opening, surrounded by a red swollen “lip.”  Slime or drool or some other substance leaked from the opening, and I got the impression, right or wrong, that this was the creature’s mouth.  Other than this mouth and the tentacles, the thing had no discernible features.  It had no visible eyes, no nose, and no limbs or other appendages other than the writhing tentacles.  The creature’s central mass was large, probably five feet tall and almost as wide and long.  My first instinct was that this thing meant to eat me; it looked big enough to swallow up a human and the “mouth” looked big enough that I could fit through it.  As big as its mass was, the tentacles did not seem big enough to make the thing very mobile and so Stacy and I ran to the corner furthest from the creature, pressing against the wall, hoping we were out of its reach.  The cavern we were in was perhaps fifteen feet by fifteen feet, which did not allow us to put too much space between us and the monster.  The creature’s tentacles were long enough that the distance did not matter and several shot forward and grabbed us.  Tentacles wrapped around my wrists and began dragging me back toward the creature.  I frantically tried to pull away but the creature was incredibly strong, and it was no use.  Other tentacles grabbed Stacy and began to drag her towards the creature as well.  We both screamed loudly, helpless as we were pulled closer and closer.

(story continued after the jump...)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Index of Stories

Not my commission and no story by me connected to these pieces.  George Lucas has already perverted the Star Wars series enough, he doesn't need my help.  But I liked the picture, so I made it my cover photo for my new Index Page, which lists all of the stories currently on the blog.  Each time I add a new story, or a new part of a continuing story, I will update this page.

Links to each story are posted below...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Weird Science (Part 2)

Background on Art:
Part 2 of 4 of my Commission. As I mentioned previously, I had only given Faustie a general theme, and the idea of the creature and it's unique method of reproduction was all his. The first two pictures conveyed that the creature was actually some sort of robot, servicing the plot of some unknown captors. Based on that, I requested that the next two depict the nefarious purpose of our damsel's capture, and Faustie took it in a great direction, one that was very creative. But you will have to wait for Part 3 to see that. (Or cheat and go on his website)

(Continued From Part 1...)

I felt the tentacle slither up the back of my thigh and began to rub against my crotch and I let out a panicked scream, realizing what the monster intended. I felt the thing wriggling between the pedals of my vagina and I let out a gasp as suddenly it began working relentlessly into my dry, tight hole. I started bucking wildly, trying in vain to pull away from the exploring tentacle but then suddenly it drove forward hard, pushing itself fully into me and I let out a tortured wail. The thing began pumping in and outside of me like a piston and I screamed, helpless as it drove in and out of me. I barely noticed another tentacle slide between my buttocks but I felt it when it drove hard into my ass. That one evidently did not find what it was looking for and quickly withdrew but the one in my pussy pumped in and out of me for a minute or two before it finally swelled and then I felt fluid gushing into my battered hole. I cried out in dismay as I felt the thing cumming inside me. Then as the tentacle withdrew from me, I let out a weak sigh thinking my assault was over. But little did I know that this tentacle was only preparing me for things to come, lubricating my pussy for the true fucking I was about to receive.

(story continued after jump)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Antlion (Part 1)

Background on Art:
For this commission, I requested from Faustie a scene involving two damsels strolling on the beach where they were ambushed by a creature.  The creature was to be roughly like an "antlion," in that it lurked under the sand and ambushed its prey and pulled it in.  This was a two part commission but I have decided to really expand on the story so it will be more than two parts.


It was 3 AM local time and outside of the luxurious beachside resort in Thailand, the only noise that filled the peaceful night’s air was that of the waves rolling in and out. Up in the sky, amongst the full moon and thousands of stars, a single star shot through the sky. Falling rapidly, it began to glow red as it entered the earth’s atmosphere. With a dull whistle it shot rapidly towards the beach, but as it neared the sea level it rapidly slowed. Still, it struck the sandy beach with a lot of force, and in an explosion of sand, it created a small crater. At that hour, there was no one about so no one saw the meteor strike the surface. If they had, they would have noticed that thing that had fallen from the sky was actually not a meteor, but some sort of glowing metal capsule. The capsule started to rotate like a drill bit and slowly dug itself even deeper, the sand around it falling on top of it as it did, filling the hole that it made behind it until it was completely buried. Still the capsule dug, deeper, hundreds of feet, for a destination and purpose unknown. When the high tide came in the water eroded what remained of the hole, filling the small crater with sand and erasing all evidence of the impact.

(story continued after jump)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Weird Science (Part 1)

Background on Art:
This was the first picture in a four part commission. I only gave Faustie a very rough outline of what I wanted to transpire in the series of pictures and deferred to him on the details. In fact, for this picture I only asked for a picture of a large creature capturing a poor damsel, and it was Faustie who came up with the awesome abomination above. I had requested a very small commission from Faustie several years before, and the awesome detail he put into this creature, and the series of pictures as a whole, really illustrated how far his artistic abilities had developed. When he sent the picture and the later ones in the series, he outlined to me how he had imagined this creature and what its intentions were, and actually that is what inspired me to take his idea and develop it into a short story, which I orignally posted on his website.

My eyes fluttered opened and I sat up quickly. For a moment, I assumed I was awakening in the library and had fallen asleep studying again.  It made sense at first; the last thing I remembered was reading and taking notes from my macroeconomics book, and my eyes growing heavy.  But as my eyes adjusted to the light I realized I was not slumped over, leaning on a table in the library with my head resting on a book.  I wasn't in the library at all.  Instead I found myself lying on the floor in a dimly lit gray room.  The room was massive, like it was a warehouse or something.  But there were no visible doors or windows.  Literally everything around me was gray, the floors the walls and the ceiling.  The only thing that wasn't gray was the dull fluorescent lighting on the ceiling.  As I took in my surroundings, completely puzzled, I tried to think of what could have happened to me that took me from the library to this mysterious place.

(story continued after jump...)

About This Blog

This blog is for adults only and is pure fantasy.

I am a longtime fan of the artist Faustie, who specializes in sexual/erotic horror artwork.  Faustie has done a number commissions for me, all of them depicting erotic horror themes such as damsels in distress, tentacles, vore, and impregnations.  Here is a sample of some of my favorite art by him (other than my own commissions).

Be sure to check out his own website here.

On many of his works, fans frequently comment that they would love to read a story based on the piece.  This blog is a total amateur's attempt at writing stories behind some of his pieces, for now the ones I have commissioned.  This is just something I am doing for fun, so please excuse the typos, plot holes, and what is probably just bad writing.  But also feel free to comment!  I love a good troll.
