Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Alien Mine (Part 1)

Background on Art:
This commission, which followed my antlion series of commissions, was to feature an alien mine, in which lizard masters enslaved a larger alien species to mine and also enslaved human women to serve as "R and R" for the alien slave miners.  The commission was for only one picture but the story will be two parts.

My eyes fluttered open I squinted in the bright light. Groaning, I rolled over in bed. Morning already? It felt like I had just gone to sleep. I pulled my face up and tried to look at my alarm clock. Three thirteen? That didn't make sense. It was too bright to be three in the morning. And it wasn’t possible I had slept until the afternoon. Even if I somehow could have slpet that long surely my mom would have waken me, I had school. The electricity must have gone out and the clock reset…

But as my eyes adjusted more, I realized something was not right. The light was not sunlight, it seemed artificial. Had I left my light on and fallen asleep.? No, the light was coming from outside and had a bluish hue, as if someone was shining a spotlight in my room. Suddenly the light focused into a large beam and shone on me. So it was still the middle night, but was what the light? I was so confused. I tried to sit up. I couldn’t. My body couldn’t move at all. I panicked and tried to jump up but not a single muscle would move. It was like I was paralyzed. Just a second ago I could move, what was going on? Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up. No one was in there lifting me, it was like I was floating. I tried to cry out, to call for help; my parents were in the next room over. I couldn't speak or make any noise. Why didn’t my parents notice this light? Why couldn’t I move, why couldn’t I scream? This had to be a nightmare.

I was floating on the beam of light, up towards its source. Suddenly my window swung open and I floated out through it. I tried to scream again as I felt the cool night air against my skin but again no sound came. As I floated towards the source it became so bright that I was blinded by it and could see nothing. This had to be a nightmare. I must be dreaming. But try as I might I could not make myself wake up. I felt myself being lifted and lifted. Then I blacked out.

I moaned as my eyes fluttered open. For a moment I thought it had all been a dream. But I could hear crying and as my eyes adjusted I realized I was not in my room. Wherever I was I was not alone. A number of teen girls and women were huddled around me. Some appeared to be unconscious. Of those that were awake, some were crying and all look terrified. As I looked around more I realized I was in some sort of cell or cage. It was large; there were easily a couple hundred women inside. Most were wearing pajamas, or at least what they had gone to bed in. A few unfortunate ones were naked, perhaps they had slept naked. I felt fortunate that I had worn a t-shirt and a pair of shorts to bed. Like me it appeared all the women had been taken from their beds. But by whom? I looked past the bars of the cage but couldn’t see anyone. But immediately a thought crept in my mind. Aliens! The bright light pulling me up in the middle of the night. I was a logical person and normally I would have laughed at the idea of an alien abduction. But I could not think of a more plausible explanation.

Suddenly I hear the sound of someone nearby retching. I turned to see the girl next to me. She was dry-heaving apparently but nothing came out. The girl looked younger than me, perhaps by a year or two. She was quite pretty, slender with a nice figure, auburn hair, green eyes, and pale skin. As I looked around I realized all the women were quite pretty. And young. I was a senior in high school and it looked like the girls and women in here ranged from high school to college age. This left me unsettled. As the girl next to me retched again, I turned to her and realized she was also sobbing. I whispered to her, trying to sooth her asking her if she was ok.

"I feel sick," she whimpered. I leaned forward and cradled her head pulling her hair away from her face in case she did vomit. She gave me an appreciative look. "I'm Rachel," she said softly.

"I am Anna," I replied. I looked around and then back to Rachel. "Have you seen who has put us in here?" I asked softly. Rachel shook her head no. But then as if on cue, there was a hissing noise as the door to our cage opened up. The women closest to the door cried out and backed away as our captors filed in. My irrational thought of alien abduction no longer seemed so farfetched. In fact it seemed confirmed. The creatures that entered were best described as reptiles. Reptile-people perhaps was a good name. Their skin was green and scaly and their heads clearly looked like of a lizard. They had large bulging eyes just like a chameleon. But unlike the typical lizard from earth, these aliens walked on two legs and had arms and humanoid hands with thumbs. They were about the size of a human, though slightly shorter. And they wore clothing; in fact all of them wore what appeared to be red robes.

The first lizard that entered held with two hands a metal prod-like device. He stepped forward and pressed it against the closest woman. There was a zapping noise and a shower of sparks and the woman screamed and fell backwards and writhed around in pain. More of the lizards poured in, all holding prods or long whips. They circled us and with loud snaps they began to swing the whips at us while others lunged at us with the prods. The women started to scream and tried to get away. The lizards began driving us forward towards the door of the cage. I realized we were being herded out. I tried my best to stay in the middle of the crowd so as to avoid the whips and prods and found myself being pushed forward. When we exited the cage the lizards drove us forward down a narrow passageway. The walls and floors were metallic and did not like anything I had ever seen on earth. Th passageway was quite long finally we reached an exit. Two lizards brandishing electric prods blocked the exit and as the first girl reached them she stopped. We waited, standing in single file. Many of the women were crying, others whimpering in fear. I realized that I myself was crying, as was Rachel, who was right in front of me. The lizards at the exit grabbed the first girl by her arms and pulled her to the exit. Other lizards beyond the exit took her and she was pulled out to a destination unknown. A minute later the next woman in line was pulled through and like that the line slowly moved forward.

I watched in dread as I inched towards the exit. I had no idea what might lie in store for beyond that doorway. Were we going to be eaten? Experimented on? The fact that we were all young women, and all fairly attractive, crept back into my mind. But I tried to suppress that thought. Its implication was too much to bear. The line moved forward until Rachel was up. The lizard that grabbed her ran his hair though her hair gently. Then she was pulled through. I was up. I started to sob and my knees grew weak. Suddenly there was a loud snapping noise and an explosion of pain across my back. One of the lizards herding us in the line had struck me with a whip for apparently hesitating too long. I yelled in pain and jumped forward and was grabbed by the lizard at the exit. I was quickly pushed forward to another alien on the other side. It roughly grabbed my arm and began dragging me down another corridor. I was taller than the alien but it was very strong and I had no choice but to stumble along.
Finally we reached another door and I was pulled through. The room was small and there were no windows and very little light. As my eyes were still adjusting I was moved into the interior of the room. The lizard wrenched my arms up and suddenly I felt metal cuffs fasten around my wrists. I looked up and saw that they had been cuffed between a bar that hung from the ceiling. My arms were now suspended above my head, leaving me quite defenseless. The lizard let go of me and walked across the room to a metallic-looking table. The table had a number of objects on them, which looked like tools or devices but all completely (and literally) alien to me. However the first thing the alien grabbed looked somewhat familiar. As he returned I looked at what was unmistakably a ball gag. The lizard stood behind and grabbed my hair and pulled my head back hard. With his other hand he shoved the ball gag into my mouth and then strapped it behind my head. I continued to cry, but the gag muffled the noise. The lizard returned to the table and grabbed a small device. It was metallic and rectangular, and my first impression of it was that it looked like a remote control. The lizard returned to me. Taking the device he pushed it against my chest. I squealed through my gag, fearful of what the device might do but strangely nothing happened, at least not at first. The lizard pressed the device against me and ran it up and down my body, along my shirt, first the front and then the back. The alien pulled away and suddenly the shirt fell away in tatters, leaving me naked from the waist up. He leaned forward again and slid the device up and down along my shorts. They fell away leaving me in only a pair of panties and I started to sob harder. The lizard leaned forward and soon the panties fell away, leaving me naked.

The lizard returned to the table. He grabbed what looked like a metallic probe and returned to me. Circling me, he moved behind me and I felt the problem press against my left buttocks. Suddenly I felt a sharp, searing pain and I squealed through the gag. The lizard withdrew and returned the probe. He then approached me again and unlocked the cuffs that held me. He yanked me out of the room and we moved down the corridor.

We exited through a door and I looked around in amazement, for a brief moment forgetting my plight. I was moved down a platform of what I realized was a massive ship, the size of a football stadium. I was outdoors but wherever this was, it was not earth. The place did not seem that unlike at earth first. The terrain was rocky; the ship had landed in some sort of canyon with rocky walls surrounding us and what looked to be tunnels into caves spaced throughout the rocky walls. But this was definitely not earth. Two very large moons glowed in the night sky. But as I took in my surroundings, I was jerked roughly and was pulled down a stone path. The lizard led me for several hundred yards, to one of the rock walls of the canton. Finally I was pulled into one of the caves. The sight before me caused me to grow nauseous with fright. Lined up in the cavern were rows of women. All of them locked in what appeared to be pillory stockades, like one would see at a medieval fair: wooden frames held boards with holes through which the women's heads and hands were inserted and locked in. The women were forced the bend forward and as I circles around them I saw that from behind they were bent cruelly forward so that their rears jutted out into the air. The women's ankles were locked into metal cuffs between a spreader bar, keeping their legs spread wide. As I passed women, I noticed the mark on each woman's butt. It looked like a barcode and I realized that the sharp pain I had felt was this being done to me. We had been branded with a barcode. The implication was clear. We were livestock.
I was pulled down the row of woman until we reached an open pillory. The lizard pushed me up to it and shoved me head down onto the lower board, my neck, through the hole. My wrists were forced through the other wholes and the upper board of the pillory was slid down and locked. The lizard leaned down and yanked my ankles apart and they were locked into the spreader bar. Locked in as I was and with the spreader bar forcing my legs apart, I was completely immobile. The lizard was behind me and I couldn’t see him but I felt a hard slap on my ass and then the lizard moved away, I was able to see him moving back towards the ship after he circled around me.

In desperation, I tugged at the wrists and pulled back my head but I was locked in securely. I cried out through my gag but only a muffled whimper escaped the gag and some drool spilled down my chin. More and more women were led in and placed into the pillories. There were perhaps 50 total in the cave, lined up in rows. Once they had all been filled, my view was largely of the rears of women bent over and secured in pillories in front of me. But, even with the women in front of me and my head forced forward I was able to make out a little of my surroundings. The cave was made of some sort of bluish-gray rock. The cave appeared to be lit artificially but the light's source was outside of my limited view. On one end of the cave was the large opening that led outside and I could catch a glimpse of the starry sky from my position. On the opposite side was a tunnel that led into darkness, apparently deeper into the cave. I tried to contemplate what would happen to me. Pillories were a punishment, at least in our world. Would the lizards be throwing refuse at us, like humans did in medieval times? What were we being punished for? We remained locked in without the presence of any of the lizards for some time. My lower back started to cramp from being forced into the uncomfortable bent-over position. My eyes were swollen and sore from my crying, my face wet from both the tears streaming down my cheeks and the drool caused by the ball gag shoved into my mouth covering my chin.

After some time, someone else entered our cave. It was four human women and they were unescorted by the lizards. The woman all had auburn or red hair. They were completely naked except for what looked like a gold collar encircling their throats. Their nipples had also been pierced with small gold rings. Unlike us they were not gagged and as they moved past me I saw that rather than have a barcode on their buttocks they had what looked like to be a brand on their thigh. It was curious that they all reddish hair and I noticed for the first time that the women locked into the pillories, at least the ones I could see, had brown or blonde hair. I tried to recall being led into the cave and I was pretty sure all the women I had seen were blondes or brunettes. The redheads were being treated differently for some reason and I thought of Rachel, who had auburn hair, wondering what was happening to her.

Each girl held what looked to be a bucket. They moved towards us and filed in behind the row of girls in front of me. I watched as the redhead directly in front of my reached into the bucket. When her hand withdrew she was holding a scoop of a green gooey substance. Without saying a word, she slid her hand down and started rubbing the goo in between a pilloried girl's spread legs. Bent over in such a position with her legs spread, there was unimpeded access to the women's groin and her pussy and ass jutted out in the air. The redhead stuck her hand back in and, holding out two goo-covered fingers, she inserted into the pilloried woman's vagina, rubbing the goo inside. Next a finger of goo was used to coat inside the woman's ass.

Suddenly another woman began yelling out, trying to get the attention of one of the redheads. Only muffled noises escape her gagged mouth but all of the redheads turned to look at her. "There is no talking from the cattle!" one of the redheads said crossly. She set down the bucket and walked over to the wall. She picked up a wooden rod that was leaning against the wall and. Returning to the girl who had tried to speak, she swung it hard at her exposed ass. There was a loud crack and the woman screamed in pain through her gag. The redhead angrily swatted the girl's ass with the cane a dozen times. After she was done, she loudly announced "If the cattle try to speak they will be punished. Let that be a lesson." She set down the cane and then picked up her bucket and resumed coating the genitals and ass with the goo of the girls in front of us. Next they moved to our row and I squealed through my gag as I felt the slimy substance being rubbed into my ass and pussy. It was cold and tingled and the whole thing was so degrading and humiliating but I dared not speak in protest. The redheads finished and left and again we were alone in the cave. I sighed and closed my eyes, wishing the intense cramping in my back would go away.

After a few minutes, we heard noises, the sounds of a large group moving. It was coming not from the exit of the cave but from the tunnel that lead further in. After a moment a few of the lizards came through. They brandished whips and electrics prods and they were speaking loudly, in a language that was mostly hissing noises and clicks. More lizards entered and then after a while a new alien species came through. They were much bigger than the lizards, probably eight or nine feet tall and built like a football linebacker. Their heads sort of resembled that of an ant. They had large black circular eyes and their mouth resembled something in between a beak but maybe closer to mandibles, hence why I thought they looked like ants. Unlike ants, their bodies were more humanoid, with arms, legs, and torsos that resembled those of a human. The "ant creatures," as I now thought of them, were naked and another humanoid feature were the genitals that hung between their legs. The organs were unmistakably penises but quite larger, much larger than a human a penis. The ant creatures were covered in dirt and dust and were pushing carts with what looked to be large diamonds or gems. I got the impression that they had been mining whatever those shiny rocks were. The lizards swung their whips and lunged at the "ant creatures" with the electric prods, herding them like they had herded us. The ant creatures did not even try and avoid the whips but just lumbered forward, driven slowly by the lizards to the exit of the cave. A few minutes later they were driven back inside, this time without the carts. They lined up along the wall and stood there waiting. One of the lizards approached them and then pushed the first one forward. The ant creature lumbered slowly towards us until it reached the first pilloried woman. The lizard barked some sort of command and the ant creature stopped behind the woman. He grabbed her hips and pushed against her, rubbing his penis against her ass. The girl started crying loudly through her gag, as did a few of the others who could see what was happening. The ant creature's penis quickly grew erect and I looked at it in horror. Erect, it was over a foot long and as thick as my fist. As soon as the creature was erect did he plunged it into the girl's vagina and began thrusting quickly. My eyes widened in horror. This was apparently our purpose and it was more horrifying than I imagined. The next ant creature was escorted to the next girl in the row if pillories and it grabbed her hips and began to rape her. Then the next creature was quickly moved forward to the next woman and soon the cave was filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and the cries and screams of the women through their gags.

Soon they reached my row and then me. I started to cry out through my gag, begging them not to do this but my pleas were ignore. I suddenly felt the creature's hands on my hips; his grip was so hard it hurt. He began to grind his crotch against my ass and then in a matter of seconds began to force the massive erect penis into my pussy. I had only had sex a couple times with a guy I had dated and I knew there was no way that this monster could fit into me without it being very painful. The creature pushed forward and his hips and I realized then what the goo was for: it was lubrication but even lubricated the creature could not force all of his massive cock into me at once. As he forced the first couple inches in it hurt enough and I screamed through my gag, sure that he was tearing me apart, as I felt the lips of my vagina stretching beyond belief. I instinctively tried to close my legs, but the spreader bar kept my legs open and me completely vulnerable to him. With his next thrust he buried another few inches into my pussy. With his third thrust into me, he his cock buried its full length into me, completely filling me. I screamed in pain through the gag as the massive cock stretched my pussy and it felt like the flesh was tearing. The next thrust battered my cervix and even though I was gagged I was screaming so loudly my throat quickly grew hoarse as it gave out. The ant creature began taking long, deep, slow thrusts, but then quickly increased the pace until he thrust at a rapid pace, increasing the agonizing pain. He drove into me hard and though it must have only last a few minutes it seemed like an eternity

Suddenly, I felt the creature hunch up and suddenly I began to feel cum spurting inside me. He cummed for perhaps ten seconds and then withdrew, making a wet slurping noise as the cock pulled out of my battered and abused vagina. The cum actually burned and tingled as if I was having some orf reaction to it but that irritation was nothing compared to the pain from being ravaged by the creature. I was covered in sweat and drool and I could feel cum oozing down my thighs. All around me I heard the continued sounds of slapping flesh and muffled cries and screams.

As I tried to catch my breath I suddenly felt new hands on my hips. Looking over I realized the line of ant creatures had grown. There were hundreds. And apparently I was to serve the next one in line. I let out a tortured wail as he forced his cock into my sore pussy. The pain was even worse, as it scraped against the already battered raw walls of my vagina and as this one began thrusting in I screamed once again through my gag. The creature finished after a few minutes and before I could even gather myself and stop crying the next one was in position behind me.

I thought it couldn't possibly be worse but I was wrong. The sixth creature that took me pushed his cock not into my pussy but instead against my anus. Realizing what he intended I let out a hoarse muffled scream and tried to clench my buttocks together. I had never had anal sex before and the thought repulsed me. And I knew a creature this size would tear me apart. The creature let go of my hips and easily parted my cheeks as he guided his stiff penis to my anus again and pushed it inside. I cried out in shock and pain and rage, and tried in vain to once again clench my buttocks and anal sphincter muscles, as I tried to shift my hips to pull away. But it was no use and the creature held my still and thrust forward hard, sheathing his massive cock deep inside my body

I howled and screamed in my agony into the gag, the pain of his massive erection stretching my insides was incredible; as the ant creature thrust into me using long, smooth full strokes. My ass was on fire, the burn a searing pain as my ass was invaded and the creature continued its hard thrusts. My throat was raw from my screams and my vision blurred from my tears.

Finally, the creature drove in as far as he could and exploded in orgasm; filling my belly with more of the strange, burning cum. I hung limp from the pillory. The next creature was soon behind me and he used my pussy. Then another. Then another. I eventually lost count as creature after creature used my pussy or ass for its pleasure. I was in shock at this point which was a mercy as it dulled the pain somewhat as I was used over and over. At some point I passed out.

(to be continued...)

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