Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Antlion (Part 5)

Note: Not one of my commissioned pieces, but the parts to the story exceed the number of commissioned pieces so I will use some other art from Faustie that I enjoy and that are similarly-themed to complete the story.  Credit:

 (continued from Part 4)

As the days or maybe weeks passed I grew to accept me life even more. I not only craved the orgasms, I needed the orgasms. Because the thing I needed so dearly was given to me by the creature, I came to see it very differently. And I began to realize that the best way for me to get orgasms and avoid pain was to accept my place, as inferior to this creature. It utterly dominated me. It controlled every aspect of my life. I ate only when it chose, I fucked only when it chose, I was only allowed the orgasms I desperately craved when it chose. I only remained alive because it allowed me to live. But while I was clearly inferior and at the mercy of the creature, I still served an important purpose. Some humans, like the man that had been dragged down here were nothing but sustenance. I on the other hand was not mere food; rather I was the mother of its brood. My womb helped spawn more and more of these superior beings. I imagined that its brood, our brood, was spreading, slowly subjugating humanity. I no longer saw myself as its prisoner. I was a slave but now a willing one to this higher being that was my Lord. If I behaved like a good slave my Lord treated me well. If I did not, like my sister, I would be abused and punished as she was. That was her choice but I thought it a stupid one. Why fight our Lord? It was pointless. We had learned that the hard way, or at least I had. Stacy maintained her futile defiance.

(continued after the jump...)

Stacy's pointless defiance only escalated after the new woman showed up. Just like the time before, our Lord began moving around the lair and suddenly crawled up through the tunnel. I suspected another human prey had wandered up on the beach above and sure enough our Lord came down with a woman, stripped naked. She appeared to be young, perhaps a few years older than Stacy. She screamed in terror until a tentacle forced itself down her throat, cutting off the noise. Soon she was hoisted into the air and was brutally fucked by the Lord. I found myself almost jealous and I crawled over and wiggled my ass seductively in front of the Lord. I was rewarded when I felt a tentacle slide into my pussy and another in my ass and I groaned in pleasure. The Lord then grabbed my sister and dragged her over to be raped. I ignore the muffled whimpers and cries of the new woman and my sister as our Lord took them against their will, and enjoyed myself as I was taken willingly.
When it had finished mating with us the new woman crawled weakly away from the now dormant Lord and towards us. My sister was interested in her. And the woman seemed interested in us. As Stacy and the woman began to talk in hushed voices I gathered her name was Aimee and she was an investigator from the United Nations. Apparently our brood had spread quite quickly and men and women throughout Asia were disappearing. The creatures apparently were quite stealthy and impossible to detect. Their lairs were too far underground to be detected and the creatures seemed to be smart, they seemed to only attack when there were few enough victims that they could take them all. With their lairs so far underground, they were next to impossible to find. Thus, there were few eyewitnesses and getting good intelligence was difficult. The militaries of the world powers were trying to kill them but they couldn't easily find them. They had captured or killed a few and determined them to be of an extraterrestrial origin. But they were spreading much faster than they could be contained. The UN feared that it would soon be beyond containment.

When Stacy told Aimee who we were, Aimee's eyes widened. When we had gone missing it had been a huge story, in both Thailand and the United States. The authorities assumed we had been abducted, by a human. Only much later, when the disappearances started to increase and the alien infestation had been discovered did anyone draw any connection between our disappearance and the aliens. After that connection was made, we were suspected to be the first disappearance. Thus, Aimee was here because this area was suspected to be ground zero. She was a scientist and had been part of a military unit. The unit had gotten ambushed when they reached this area; the creatures appeared to be highly concentrated here. Aimee's escorts had been killed in the chaos and she had run and now found herself here.
It was then my sister's turn to fill Aimee in with what she knew. Aimee's eyes grew wide with terror as Stacy described what happened to us down here, how we were birthing more of the aliens. "You get used to it, it isn't so bad," I said, finally trying to speak but my sister shot an angry glare at me. She turned back to Aimee. "She… I think she is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, the… the monster… the alien is cruel …" she tried to explain. I then returned the angry glare.

Aimee had turned quite pale. "How… how many of these things have you given birth to?" Stacy told her she guessed many dozens, maybe hundreds. I interjected again "And now you will join us in giving birth to more of the Lords." But Aimee shook her head. "I… I am infertile" she said softly. Stacy and I looked at each other. We both suspected what that could mean for poor Aimee but neither wanted to give her that news.

"You may end up pregnant anyway," said Stacy. The creature, whatever it injects into us, it doesn't just make us pregnant. We don't get sick, we rarely have to eat, we never use the bathroom, the alien, whatever it is doing to us it has changed our bodies. So perhaps you will find yourself able to get pregnant anyway." Aimee looked more afraid from this development. She apparently did not want to be a mother of our new lords, or perhaps did not understanding that if she did not serve that purpose her only other purpose would be as food.

"Those are not the only changes," I said, glaring again at Stacy. "The Lord will give pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. Soon you will crave it, you will need it!"

Stacy looked at me again, but this time it was a look of pity. This made me resent her even more. "It is how it controls us," Stacy whispered.

Aimee soon experienced all that we had described to her. She joined our routine of getting fucked and forced fed by the tentacles every few hours. Pretty soon Aimee and Stacy had bonded through their mutual pointless resistance and refusal to accept the inevitable. They looked down on me but it was me who deserved to look down on them. When Aimee told us we were the first to be captured, she confirmed what I had already known. We were special. Our Lord was the first and through us his brood was spreading. My children were the new masters of this planet. I imagined the humans who lived in fear of being suddenly pulled down, having no idea what their fate would be. They lived in fear but I was content. I had a higher purpose and for my loyal obedience my Lord gave me greater pleasure than any human could give me. I did not understand why Stacy would not accept this. Aimee was new, perhaps she eventually would. But Stacy's defiance did not make sense. I felt sorry for her.
As the days passed, Stacy's and my bellies swelled. Aimee's did not. We did not speak about it. Neither of us had the heart to tell her what other purpose she might serve. But poor Aimee soon learned. Soon after we had given birth to the latest brood, our Lord apparently grew impatient with his new infertile and thus useless slave. The first sign of her fate came when the Lord fucked Stacy and I but did not touch Aimee. After it finished with us it decided to enjoy a post-coital meal. Aimee was grabbed and the Lord pulled her over to its mouth. As she was shoved inside, Aimee started screaming and Stacy tried to help her, grabbing at Aimee's ankles as her legs flailed helplessly. The Lord effortlessly pulled Stacy away and finished swallowing poor Aimee. Her tortured muffled cries continued for some time, and then faded slowly until finally the noises stopped. It barely affected me. Aimee was barren; she had no purpose other than sustenance for our Lord. That was just the way of things.

But Stacy snapped after Aimee was ingested. She had a dead look in her eye and she wouldn't speak or look at me. I had hoped that with Aimee gone that my sister would finally accept her new life but she didn't. But when we felt the first pangs of labor and lied down to give birth, she finally paid attention to me again. I cradled Stacy's head as she gave birth. Trying to comfort her as she sobbed though I suspected it was not the pain of labor so much as her inability to accept what was happening. Then she was done and I was ready and as always she cradled my head and comforted me as I gave birth. But then after the first of my babies slipped out of my wombs she suddenly jumped up. Grabbing a rock with both hands and lunged forward. I screamed as she swung both arms down, aiming the rock at the newborn creature, attempting to smash it. Our Lord seized her wrists and stopped her a split second before the rock crushed my baby. It hauled her up in the air its tentacles waving wildly. It had all happened so quickly I had no time to react to any of it. Stacy was hoisted in the air and the Lord pulled her limps stretching her out until she was crying. Tentacles thrust into her pussy, ass, and mouth, thrusting harder than I had ever seen the Lord do before. The fact that she had just given birth must have made it even more painful. Soon Stacy was bouncing around squealing in pain through the tentacle shoved down her throat as she was brutally fucked. I felt labor pains and had to look away and concentrate on the task at hand, birthing more of our brood and ignoring my sister's brutal punishment. After I was done giving birth I lied on the ground, exhausted and covered in sweat. Still the Lord did not relent on Stacy. She hung limply in the tentacle's grip as she was pounded. It went on and on and on. I had no way of keeping track of time but it seemed like hours. Finally the tentacles withdrew from her battered swollen holes but her punishment was not over. The Lord then lowered her but still held her up by her wrists and began to brutally whip her. Exhausted from labor I fell asleep to the sounds of the tentacles striking Stacy's flesh and the hoarse cries that escaped her throat.

When I woke up I heard the slapping sounds not of whipping but of Stacy being fucked. It was just as brutal as before. I wondered if the punishment had at all relented during my slumber. I watched her being brutally fucked. I did not feel sympathy. She had tried to kill one of the Lord's babies, MY baby. She was lucky she was not killed, or perhaps she still would be. Stacy was again lowered and again hung by her wrists. I thought she was to be whipped again but instead the Lord gently pushed me towards her. When I reached my sister the Lord pulled her down, holding her ankles to the ground but bending her at the waist until she was bent over. The Lord grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand over and made me strike my sister's backside, which now stuck up in the air. It then released my wrist but I understood what I was to do. Crying out angrily I swung my hand down again, striking her ass with my open palm and leaving a red handprint on her right ass cheek. I struck her again on the other cheek. Screaming in anger I struck her again and again as hard as I could. I ignored her weak sobs and spanked her over and over until her ass turned bright red and then purple and blue from the welts I was creating. I hit her so many times I lost count and lost track of time until finally the Lord pulled me away. She was hoisted up in the air again and brutally fucked. It seemed that Stacy's punishment was never-ending. These cycles continued for an eternity. She was fucked, whipped by the Lord, fucked, and spanked by me, before the cycle repeated. When I was not helping with the punishment I was fucked gently by my Lord until I cummed, I was fed, and I was allowed to sleep.

It must have been a couple of days that this continued but I couldn't be sure. Finally, our Lord decided Stacy would be allowed some rest. The Lord nudged me and I submissively lowered myself. The Lord pushed me until I was on my back. It nudged my legs with its tentacles and I obediently spread them. I was disappointed when the Lord did not begin to fuck me but instead sprayed some of its goo onto my crotch. Stacy was dragged over, barely conscious. It pushed her face in between my legs and she hungrily licked up the goo. Apparently she had not been fed or fed very little during her punishment and her hunger trumped her dignity. She quickly licked the area clean but feeling her tongue against the soft folds of my pussy had me quite aroused. Perhaps my Lord sensed this and so when Stacy tried to lift her head away it roughly pushed her had forward again. Stacy hesitated for a moment but then buried her face in my crotch and began licking my slit up and down and then teasing my slit. I came quickly but the Lord kept pushing Stacy's head forward and she continued pleasuring me with her tongue. Another orgasm. Then another and another. Stacy was made to eat me out for some time and I came over and over again. Finally the Lord decided she was done. It pulled her up and hoisted her up in the air. The brutal fucking resumed and then after he was spent he brought her down to be spanked again by me. The cycle of punishment continued for some time, with the only breaks for Stacy to lick her meal off my pussy and then thank me by orally pleasing me for some time.
I saw what my Lord was doing. He was breaking her. She would feel nothing but pain and humiliation until she gave in. Being forced to perform orally on her own sister would strip away what remaining dignity she had. I was not at all ashamed or disgusted by it. I was an animal that lived only to serve my Lord. To be obedient and to receive orgasms in return was my only purpose. If it was by his will that it be my sister's tongue than his tentacles then so be it. And hopefully Stacy was beginning to understand.

I began to feel some sympathy for her. She deserved to be killed for her heinous act of trying to kill my baby but this was worse than death. But finally, after what must have been many many days, the Lord finally dropped her to the ground. He nudged me over to her. She was lying on the ground limp and covered in sweat, her whole body swollen and covered in bruises. I cradled her head and hugged her, crying. It seemed her punishment was over and she was allowed to rest. The Lord sprayed her with the goo every few hours, including inside her ass and pussy and this seemed to make her recover quickly.
During this period, the Lord was preoccupied with tending to Stacy's recovery which unfortunately meant that he was not spending time fucking me. Thus I grew more and more aroused and craved an orgasm more and more. Finally, the Lord began to wave his tentacles around to signify that it was mating time. I quickly stumbled over and got on all fours with my rear raised in the direction of the Lord. But as I waited, I watched astonished as Stacy weakly crawled over and got in the same position as me. Tentacles slid into her ass, pussy and mouth along with mine and we both moaned in pleasure. I cried out in orgasm and also joy. My sister had finally accepted her fate.

This continued for a few cycles. Each time the Lord was ready we both willingly got into position. However, something else was definitely not right. Stacy's belly seemed to be swelling and mine wasn't. I assumed maybe this batch inside me was developing slowly. But then the Lord did something it had never done before. It pulled Stacy over but not me and it gently placed the largest of its tentacles across the top of her head. Stacy slumped forward slightly and then remained frozen in place. She remained in that position for several minutes, like she was in a trance, and the Lord did not move at all except for the single tentacle it placed on her head which seemed to quiver slightly. Then suddenly it pulled away and Stacy sat up straight. She smiled to the Lord and then quickly averted her gaze, in submission. She turned around and returned to me. There were tears in her eyes but she was smiling. She hugged me and held me for a moment and then withdrew. "What is it?" I asked, confused.

"Our Lord, he spoke to me. He told me many good things."

My eyes widened. Why had he spoken to her and not me? I had been loyal for so much longer. "He spoke to you? What did he say?" I said, trying to hide the jealousy I was feeling.
"The lords' settlement of our planet is going well. The lords have many thousands of women in Asia breeding. And now the next phase has begun. Lords are now landing in the other continents to begin new colonies. Soon all of Earth will have underground chambers like this with women to bring forth more of our Lords. But we started this, sis. We have much to be proud of."
I smiled and nodded my head. Stacy continued. "The Lord says the next phase of the settlement is beginning. We have done a very good job of breeding as many Lords as possible but now, well the focus has changed. They have plenty of Lords in our area and now the focus must be on ensuring that those that are born come from the best stock of women. Our babies, they inherit some of our genetics and the Lords want their offspring to come from the strongest, healthiest, and smartest of our females." I nodded again. "The Lord is very thankful for the babies you have given him, sis," said Stacy. Her eyes teared up more and she gave me a sad smile. "But the Lord recognizes that I am the smarter one and thus I am better suited to bring forward the next generations of our lords."

I looked at her confused. What was she saying? "I have been an obedient slave and had served the Master well!" I cried angrily.

"You have," said Stacy as she hugged me again. "And you shall still serve our Lord." Suddenly tentacles seized me. Stacy held my hand. "Bye sis," she said as she smiled to me, tears falling down her cheeks. "I shall make sure that our Lord is served well." Suddenly the Lord yanked me away. It was so fast I had no time to react but as I turned I realized in horror I was being dragged towards the Lord's mouth. As I was pushed in feet first, I let out a sorrowful wail. How could he eat me? I had served him so well! I was not as smart as my sister but I was not stupid. And I was loyal. She had tried to kill one of our babies. Was loyalty not important would that trait not serve well in our Lord's offspring? I was swallowed slowly and I thrashed around desperately but it was no use.

"Please my Lord!" I wailed. "I want to give you more babies, please don't eat me!" My Lord ignored me. Soon I had been swallowed up to my waist. I tilted my head back and looked at Stacy. She was no longer paying attention to me. Instead she was on all fours with her ass in the air moaning as the Lord was fucking her with his tentacles. I let out another sorrowful wail. How could this be happening? My pleading continued as I was forced further and further inside. But my Lord still ignored me. I let out one more wail before he pushed my head inside and I was swallowed completely.

I felt myself being pushed down further and further until I found myself in writhing around in a fleshy pocket of space that was not much bigger than me. As I writhed around the pouch stretched somewhat but it held me in tight. Suddenly I felt a liquid dripping on me. It began to burn intensely. I screamed in pain and began writhe around in agony. The searing pain spread across my whole body and as I screamed the burning pain filled my mouth then throat and lungs. This couldn't be happening! I was not food! I was a mother! Why did he choose Stacy over me! Then as the burning agony increased all rational thoughts stopped. I screamed and screamed as I writhed around in pain until I grew weak and lied limp and my screams turned to whimpers. The pain subsided as I went into shock. Then, mercifully, everything went black.


Laura Stewart ran and ran. Her legs burned and she was out of breath but she had nowhere to go. She had been in Manhattan. Her family had fled there soon after more and more of the aliens had landed in the United States. The government had advised people to remain in cities and places where the land was paved over with asphalt or cement. It was in the rural and suburban areas with the soft ground that humans were most vulnerable. Particularly women or girls who had reached puberty. Even the cities were growing less safe, reports were that women and sometimes men were being dragged down subway tunnels and sewers. Still, the US military was better at tracking down and killing the aliens in the city where they could not bury themselves as easily. But then the new meteors had started falling. These were not like the ones that seemed to deliver the aliens. These ones seemed to be designed like missiles and were striking military and government installations, causing massive explosions and fires. More meteors began hitting the big cities. New York City was now an inferno from these meteor strikes. People were now fleeing the city in a panic. Laura realized this must have been the aliens' intent to drive humans from the cities so they would be easier prey. But they had no choice, it was flee or burn up in the raging fires. Laura had gotten separated from her family as she had fled across the bridge out of Manhattan on foot. In the stampede of panicking people she had been driven forward, and she watched in horror as people who fell were trampled. Now she was in a wooded area and separated from the stampede. She knew the risks but it was a better option than getting trampled to death. That was certain death and she only had a small chance of walking over one of the traps and getting seized by an alien. But each step was torture as she anticipated being taken. Perhaps being trampled would have been better. To be pulled down and constantly raped and impregnated, to be forced to give birth to more these things was a fate much worse than death. Perhaps she could fund a smaller city or town. That would be safer.

As she continued walking suddenly there was an explosion of dirt all around her. She let out a scream as suddenly tentacles writhed all around her. She turned and tried to run but was seized before she could. She thrashed around wildly as the tentacles tore off her shoes and socks and ripped her shirt and jeans from her body. Her panties and bra soon followed and she wailed as she suddenly found herself being pulled into a pit. As she dropped into an underground put and felt a tentacle force itself into her pussy, ass, and mouth she decided she would have much preferred to have been trampled to death in the stampede out of New York.


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