Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Antlion (Part 4)

Note: Not one of my commissioned pieces, but the parts to the story exceed the number of commissioned pieces so I will use some other art from Faustie that I enjoy and that are similarly-themed to complete the story.

(continued from Part 3...)

I woke up to Stacy nudging me. I lifted my head and looked at her and she pointed towards the creature. For the first time since we had been pulled down into the pit, the creature was moving around the cavern. Using its tentacles, it was dragging itself around the lair. Stacy and I watched and after a brief moment it suddenly latched onto the walls with its tentacles and began climbing up until it reached the ceiling which was about twenty feet above us. As we watched it, it suddenly disappeared up a large hole in the center of the ceiling. Suddenly we found ourselves alone in the lair. Stacy and I looked at each other. Stacy stood up first, wincing as she did. I soon followed and also winced in pain. I was sore from the constant fucking by the creature, plus my muscles cramped up easily since we rarely moved around. Stacy ran around the perimeter of the lair, feeling the walls. “We need to find a way out!” she yelled to me. I soon joined her, feeling the walls. We walked in opposite directions along the perimeter until we met in the middle. Neither of us had found anything but solid rock or well packed earth. We started feeling around on the floor. Still nothing. Stacy and I looked at each other. I could see the disappointment on her face. We then looked up at the ceiling. Apparently that hole was our only possible route of escape but there was no way for us to get up there. Suddenly we heard noises coming from the hole and, realizing the creature was probably returning, we both ran back down to our corner. The creature suddenly popped through the hole back into the lair. It was dragging a man. A screaming struggling man. The man was dropped to the floor and he lay there for a moment stunned. Like us, he had apparently been stripped naked. The creature began crawling down the wall, rapidly. The man looked at us for a brief moment, clearly in shock and confused. He thus did not react before the creature pounced on him, grabbing him with its tentacles. The man screamed and started thrashing around but, as we knew, the creature was much stronger than humans. It dragged the man towards it. The creature apparently had a different use for this man. It dragged him towards its mouth-like hole and began shoving him inside. The man was screaming and struggling wildly as the tentacles slowly stuffed him into the mouth. The man went in slowly, head first, and it took perhaps a couple minutes before he had been completely swallowed. I could hear the faintest of muffled noises inside the creature, which I realized were the man’s screams, the sounded dampened by the mass of the creature now enveloping him. Stacy and I sat there watching the creature in shock. The muffled cries and screams from the man lasted perhaps an hour or two, growing fainter and fainter until we could no longer hear them.

(continued after the jump...)

Stacy and I sat there and said nothing for some time. Tears flowed down her cheeks and I realized I was crying too. We had just witnessed the death of a man; we had witnessed this thing devouring a human being. And my sister and I were giving birth to more of these horrible things, things that would grow up to capture and impregnate other women and devour men. Stacy and I started whispering to each other. We became determined that we must resist, we must find a way to get away from this terrible creature and end this horrible ordeal. The problem was we had no idea how to resist. There seemed no way to escape the lair. The creature was way stronger than us. And we had nothing down here to use to resist. The only thing in our lair was rocks and Stacy began collecting them. I was not sure how these could be that helpful but I followed suit. Soon we had quite a large pile but the creature gave us no notice. I had no idea if it even sensed what we were doing; it did not have eyes or ears as far as I could tell. As normal, it lay dormant. After we had a large pile, Stacy whispered her plan. We would move the rock pile closer to the creature, to test and see if it did anything in response. If we were able to we would then dump the rocks into its mouth hole. They were indigestible; perhaps the mass off rocks inside it would kill it. I was doubtful about Stacy’s idea but had no better one. And part of me thought, worst case scenario I will be killed if the creature tries to defend itself and that had to be better than being raped and forced to birth more of these monsters over and over again.
The plan seemed to go off without a hitch at first. We slowly transported the rocks closer and closer to the creature and it remained dormant. I was terrified, I had never willingly come close to the creature, but I was determined to go forward with Stacy’s plan. Finally, we had transported all the rocks close to the creature, right in front of its mouth. The pile was almost as tall as me, and any of the rocks were fairly big, a bunch almost the size of my head. Stacy screamed, “Now!” and we started rapidly chucking the rocks into the creature's maw. At first it did not react at all. Then suddenly its tentacles began thrashing around wildly. Some lashed out and tried grabbing at us. I started whipping the rocks at the creature, trying to injure it. But in no time tentacles had wrapped around my wrists and hoisted me up into the air. Stacy was also hoisted up and we both dangled helplessly above the creature. I watched as other tentacles reached into its mouth and began removing the rocks. It tossed them aside. Once it had removed the rocks, Stacy and I were lowered to the ground but the creature did not release us. Instead it held us in a standing position on the ground, tentacles wrapped around my ankles keeping my feet planted firmly on the ground. The tentacles around my wrists held my arms above my head. Stacy was put in the same position. She looked at me in fear. Suddenly another tentacle slicked through the air and struck her across the buttocks. A loud crack filled the cavern as the tentacle hit her flesh. Stacy’s mouth flew wide open and she gasped in shock. The tentacle flew forward again, slicing through the air like a whip and striking her across the other cheek. Stacy’s face contorted in pain and she cried out, her eyes welling up with tears. Another loud crack and it struck her again, then again. I watched in horror as the tentacle struck her over and over, across her thighs and ass. She started to shriek, then scream, and then she just sobbed as she was spanked over and over. She was spanked for a long time, I lost count, but it must have been hundreds of time. Bu the end she just hung limp, sobbing weakly. Finally it was over and the tentacles dropped her. She landed in a pile on the ground. Her whole body was covered in sweat and her entire backside, lower back, and back of her legs were covered in angry crimson and red welts.

Suddenly, I felt an explosion of pain across my own buttocks. I cried out in pain. It was my turn. Again and again, I began to scream in pain, it felt like I was being stung by wasps across my entire backside as the searing pain intensified until I was sobbing and crying but the punishment still did not relent. Finally it ended and I was dropped to the ground. I imagined my own backside looked like Stacy’s, welted, swollen, crimson, and bruised. As I lay on the ground, crying weakly I felt the tentacle grab my wrists. Suddenly the tentacle ripped my watch off. The creature took my watch and tossed it into its mouth.

I realized then this creature was not some dumb animal, it seemed to have incredible intelligence. I had never heard of an animal doling out corporal punishment before. And it had doled out a punishment typical to one inflicted against humans, as if it was familiar with our culture. Then it had taken my watch, leaving me now completely oblivious to what time it was and how many days would pass, leaving us even more in the dark about what was happening. It had to have been intentional on the creature's part. Clearly the creature was purposely punishing us, both physically and psychologically. I pondered this for a few more minutes when suddenly I was hoisted up again by the tentacles. The tentacles began thrusting into my holes, much harder than usual. They began pounding me, much more roughly than they typically did and the cries from Stacy suggested she was getting the same treatment. This lasted much longer than usual and at the end the creature filled my womb and stomach with its cum but for the first time I did not orgasm. Apparently bad girls who attacked the monster did not earn orgasms. It finished and tossed us roughly to the ground.

It had beaten us, literally, but I was not ready to give up. Nor was Stacy. The next time the tentacles reached out to grab us we once again started throwing more rocks at it. We were whipped again and then roughly fucked and sodomized, and as before and were not given an orgasm. The next time neither Stacy or I threw rocks. But as the tentacle forced its way down my throat, I bit down as hard as I could. I felt my teeth sink into the tentacle and almost retched as a sour liquid filled my mouth. The creature stopped fucking my other holes and I felt a tentacle wrap around my throat, tightly. I began to choke and was forced to open my mouth. The tentacle quickly withdrew. I was then brutally pounded in my ass and pussy, again no orgasm. The tentacle did not force itself down my throat. But after it was done with Stacy and I were not released like usual. Instead Stacy was lowered and held down so she was on all fours. I was then lowered to my knees behind her, facing her rear. A tentacle pushed itself in front of my face. I could see the cuts in it from my teeth. The tentacle then lowered and began spurting its goo on Stacy, covering her butt with it. A tentacle pushed me forward and down, towards her butt. I realized in horror what it was trying to make me too. I frantically tried to pull away and turned my head away. But after I did I suddenly heard Stacy gasp. I looked towards her and saw as she stated to buck. I saw that a tentacle had wrapped around her throat and was choking her. My head was again pushed towards her rear. It was very clear to me what the creature’s message was. I had to lick the slime food off my sister's ass or else she would be choked. The creature was showing me that there could be much more humiliating ways to eat my food then the tentacle shoved down my throat which I had ungratefully bitten. I closed my eyes and leaned forward and slowly began licking the goo off her backside. This was it for me. I was done fighting. Being forced to do such a degrading thing, to my own sister no less, had stripped away all of my defiance, all of my fight. It stripped away what little dignity I had left. I didn’t want to fight anymore, I would much prefer to be fucked by tentacles and forced to birth its babes rather than be beaten, abused, and made to degrade myself. I finished cleaning the goo off my sister’s backside and we were both released. We crawled to our corner but did not say anything to each other. We were too humiliated. I wish I had, because Stacy made the same mistake a couple days later. She was forced to lick her goo meal off of my feet.

After this, when the tentacles seized and fucked me I did not even bother to fight. It was no use. But still , the tentacles used me quite roughly and still I was not allowed an orgasm. This continued for some time, as far as I could tell without my watch several days, based on the fact that my belly had started to swell quite large with the latest pregnancy. I found that without the orgasms I grew quite aroused. My thighs were slick with my own juices and my clit was swollen. My loins were hot and my belly tingled. The arousal was so intense it was clearly unnatural and I assumed the effect was something the creature had done to me. I started to miss the orgasms and each time I was fucked and released without one I grew more frustrated, I believed Stacy was getting the same treatment but I did not ask her, it was something way too embarrassing to discuss with one’s sister. The pain from giving birth to the latest brood helped dull the arousal but it quickly returned. Finally, after my belly had swollen up again, I decided to take matters in my own hands. When Stacy was asleep I curled up so my back was to her and slid my hand down between my legs. As I started to rub my clit I was suddenly seized. The tentacles yanked me up into the air. I was lowered so that my feet were on the ground and then swat! The tentacles struck my behind. I cried out in pain. I was spanked for a long time, just as severe as the previous time. Finally I was dropped to the ground. Apparently masturbation was not allowed. Unfortunately the discipline for such an act was not over. Stacy, who had of course awoken to the sounds of my screams, from my spanking was suddenly seized. She was hauled up by her wrists to a standing position. More tentacles pushed me towards her and dropped me on my knees in front of her, holding me in a kneeling position. For a moment I thought I was going to made to lick a goo meal off of her. What the creature had in mind was much much worse. It grabbed me by my neck and pulled me towards my sister’s crotch. I cried out and tried to turn my head but the tentacle held my head straight. It pressed my face right into her pussy. I pulled back. The tentacle pulled harder, placing me so my mouth was just over her pussy. I clamped my mouth shut. Suddenly I heard painful gasps. Looking up, a tentacle was once again choking Stacy. Her face was beginning to turn deep red. I started to cry. “Please don’t make me do this!” I cried. “Please I have learned my lesson! We have learned our lesson!” The creature tightened its grip around Stacy’s throat and pushed me once again towards her crotch. Oh God it couldn’t be making me do this! I realized what was happening. It was stripping away my humanity, degrading and torturing me until I was broken and didn’t fight anymore. I was willing to take horrible punishment. I wasn’t willing to watch my sister die. Crying softly, I opened my mouth and eased it over the Stacy’s pussy. The thought of doing this to any girl was disgusting and this was my sister! Another choking noise from Stacy ended my hesitation. I pushed my tongue forward and begin sliding it up and down lapping at Stacy’s pussy, between the folds. The taste made me want to throw up. Actually the taste itself was gross but not so vile that it made me sick bad but it reinforced what I was doing. I looked up and Stacy was still gasping for air. I leaned in again and increased the tempo, sticking my tongue inside her and licking and slurping and sucking away, then I moved my mouth upwards and begin flicking my tongue across her clit. Her juices coated my tongue, then began to fill my mouth, coat my nose, lips, and even chin. The taste was overpowering, salty yet sweet and I again had to resist the urge to throw up.

Suddenly I felt something poking at my own pussy and then slowly a tentacle slipped in, filling me completely. As I was forced to go down on Stacy, the tentacle began sliding in and out of me. We were both so aroused, so in need of orgasm from our previous denial that neither of us lasted long. Stacy actually came, her juices splattering across my face which caused me to sob in humiliation in between my own orgasmic cries.

The tentacles released us and we both collapsed to the ground. Both of us were crying. Suddenly I was seized again and flipped onto my back. There was a panicked cry from Stacy as she too was seized. The tentacles pushed her forward and down, so that her head was between my legs. “No! Please no!” I wailed, pleading to the monster. It ignored us. Stacy pulled he head away crying out defiantly. In response, the creature wrapped a tentacle around my throat and squeezed. I let out a gasp, trying desperately to breathe. Stacy looked at me with sorrowful eyes and then lowered her head to my pussy. She began licking up and down my slit and my throat was released by the tentacle. I closed my eyes, too humiliated to watch. Her tongue quickly found my clit and the pleasure built up so fast, first a tingling , then throbbing and within a couple minutes another orgasm rocked my body. I was glad it happened so fast. I opened my eyes and Stacy had pulled away, her eyes downcast in shame, her cheeks red, and the area around her mouth glistening with my juices. The tentacles released us again. This time when I crawled away, I went to a different corner from Stacy. I was too humiliated to be near her, to face her, after what we had just been forced to do. She apparently felt the same way and neither of us spoke or even looked at each other.

I was done fighting. The thing had stripped away all of my dignity and all of my humanity. I began to accept my fate. Like it or not, this creature was going to use me to breed its babies and if I fought it only brought me more pain and humiliation. Moreover, even though I was getting regular orgasms again, I found that my arousal was never dampened for long. By the time the tentacles pulled me over for my fucking I was so aroused that my thighs were slick with my juices. When the tentacles pulled me over, I just hung there limp and closed my eyes, enjoying the orgasms I so yearned and doing my best to not think about the horror or disgusting nature of it.

In between getting fucked I would find myself staring at the creature, waiting for the tell-tale sign that I was going to get fucked again. I knew because right before it yanked me over it would leave its dormant state and its tentacles would start waving around in the air. As I began to yearn more and more for the orgasms, when the creature began waving its tentacles, I would just obediently get up and move over to the creature. When I started doing this, the creature would be much less rough. Rather than drag me roughly it would gently push me down until I was on all fours. Then it would take me. Soon it didn’t even have to do that. As soon as the creature indicated it was ready for mating by waving around its tentacles I would scurry over and get on all fours in front of the creature, my rear up in the air and facing it to be taken.

Stacy refused to give in. She did not actively fight anymore but she refused to accept her fate. The tentacles still had to drag her over and she would struggle. This resulted in her getting treated much more harshly, at least it sounded that way based on her cries and squeals of pain. The creature treated me much differently. My pussy still got pounded by the tentacles but I needed the pounding to dampen my arousal anyway, and it was otherwise gentle. The tentacle that thrust in and out of my ass did so at a much gentler pace, and the one shoved down my throat slipped into my mouth softly and it did shove itself so far down my throat.

Stacy and I barely interacted. Having to sexually pleasure each other had been so humiliating it felt uncomfortable to lie next to each other. I also got the sense Stacy did not approve of me giving in. Eventually I began to feel like she was looking down at me, like I was some kind of slut for giving in. This made me resent her. I was sick of the pain and humiliation, and fighting did us no good. She was the stupid one for continuing her pointless struggles each time the tentacles mated with her. We barely talked or acknowledged each other. The only time we interacted was when we were giving birth and the creature forced us together to aid and comfort each other during labor. I gave birth to brood after brood, soon losing track of time. I didn't think about that, I had given up on caring because time meant little down here. I knew I wasn’t going to be rescued and I stopped thinking about what was happening in the outside world. The only thing I started to think about was when I would get my next orgasm.

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