Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Antlion (Part 3)

Background on art: A sketch that Faustie did prior to the final pieces in the series, I thought the sketch was pretty cool and hope he doesn't mind including the unfinished piece here.

(continued from Part  2...)

This treatment continued for several days. The tentacles would ravage us and then release us, leaving us panting and exhausted; then we would retreat to the corner furthest from the monster. Several hours would pass, and the ordeal would start all over. Though I had originally decided the creature was like some mutant octopus I later decided it was more like a mutant sea anemone. It physically resembled an anemone, with its body moth and tentacles. With few features, it seemed like some cross between a plant and an animal. It did not seem to have any consciousness or awareness, let alone intelligence. Its tentacles were its only movement and those only moved when it was seizing and ravaging Stacy and I. Otherwise the thing lied completely dormant. I wondered if the creature actually was some sort of sea anemone that had been undiscovered by humans or if it was some sort of alien from another planet. Though I couldn’t be sure, I decided it was probably the latter. Whatever this thing was, it seemed to prey on humans and if this thing had been on earth all along, surely we would know about it. Or perhaps it was still undiscovered because the only humans that saw it were the poor women who fell into its trap. I decided in the end that it did not matter. The answer to its origins did not make Stacy’s and my nightmare any more or less bearable.

(continued after the jump...)

I noticed that strangely, Stacy and I never grew hungry and neither of us ever had to use the bathroom. Whatever goo this creature was forcing down our throats, it apparently kept us nourished and apparently was so efficient nutritiously that none of it went to waste. Even more alarming, our bellies began to swell. At first I thought maybe it was weight gain from the goo. It made sense at first since we never felt even the slightest pangs of hunger. But we were not gaining weight in other parts of our body, only our bellies swelled. It was Stacy who first suggested we were pregnant, whispering the notion into my ear as we huddled in the corner. I shook my head, refusing to believe such a horrible thought but as a couple more days passed our bellies swelled even further, it became quite evident that this was the case. The violation had been bad enough, stripped naked and having tentacles pump in and out of my vagina, ass, and mouth every few hours. I was nourished by what amounted to a cock spurting vile cum down my throat. Each time my own body betrayed me as I experienced intense orgasms with each assault. But now on top of this we had been impregnated with god knows what, by this horrifying creature. Every moment that I was not being ravaged by the creature, I contemplated what could be growing in my belly. The degradation grew even worse as our breasts began to swell. The pregnancy apparently was causing us to lactate, and now, when the tentacles grabbed us to begin their assault, new tentacles now attached themselves to our nipples too and after a hard suction sensation pulled at my nipples and then I could feel milk streaming from my nipples, being pumped away by the tentacles. I realized I was basically cattle, for this animal or creature or alien or whatever it was. I prayed that whatever it was, that I died giving birth, for my life seemed so hopeless, what I was going through so horrible, that I thought death was a better option. 

By day eight, Stacy and I looked nine months pregnant. I was in constant discomfort, and could feel the fetus, whatever it was, moving around in my belly. My lower back ached so much and my breasts were swollen and painful. It got to the point that the assault by the tentacles actually brought some sense of relief. The orgasm it brought made me forget the aching and discomfort for a brief moment and the milking brought relief to my aching swollen breasts.

On day eight, while I lay in the corner next to Stacy, I suddenly felt a sticky liquid running down my thighs. At once I was hit by excruciating cramps and I cried out. Contractions. I was about to give birth to the monstrosity inside me. I wailed in agony and doubled over in pain. I had no idea if this was the normal pain associated with child birth or if this was somehow more intense. Regardless, I knew that a normal mother didn’t have to contemplate what species was growing inside her. Suddenly I felt myself being lifted. The tentacles had me though they seemed gentler than they normally were when they just roughly dragged me over to be ravaged. I found myself placed next to the creature, on my back. Tentacles pulled my thighs wide. I heard a squeal and I looked over as Stacy was being dragged over too. She was not put on her back like me. Rather, she was brought over close to me and forced into a kneeling position on her knees. The creature suddenly lifted my head up and then lowered it into my sister’s lap. Another tentacle grabbed Stacy’s wrist and pulled her hand over to me and placed it on my cheek. She held it there and as I started crying in pain, she squeezed and rubbed my cheek sympathetically. Through my terrible labor pains, I realized in shock that the creature had placed Stacy there to comfort me through my labor. The creature was perhaps not some mindless anemone which only acted on instinct. I realized it was more advanced than we had thought. Then an intensely painful contraction wracked my body and I stopped thinking about the creature. Instinct took over and I suddenly began bearing down, pushing the baby out of me. I felt a sharp searing pain and I screamed in agony. Stacy grabbed my hand and tried to whisper soothing things in my ear but I barely noticed. Suddenly Stacy gasped and I saw her looking down between my legs. Small tentacles had slipped from my vagina and were writhing around, slapping gently against my spread thighs. I turned, unable to look. I of course had not expected a human baby, but to actually look upon this horrible thing being birthed was too much. I kept pushing and finally the thing exiting my birth canal. I sighed and turned back to look to see a mini version of the creature writhing around on the ground. Its daddy picked it up with tentacles and pulled it away from me. Suddenly more searing pain and I started pushing, realizing another one of these things was inside me. I gave birth to four of the things in total before it was finally over. When it was, and I had expelled the placenta, I lied on the ground, covered in sweat, exhausted and so sore. Suddenly I felt something entering my sore vagina and I cried out. The creature was forcing one of its tentacles inside me. It hurt intensely for a moment but then suddenly I felt my womb being coated with goo from the tentacle and immediately all pain down there vanished. The tentacle then withdrew. I lied on the ground resting for some time.

I eventually fell asleep, only to be awoken by cries from Stacy. Awakening I saw her doubled over, clearly in distress. I realized she was now in labor. The creature realized it too, and it Stacy and I were once again put into position, but this time in reverse. I comforted Stacy as she gave birth to her brood. She had five babies. After it was over we were lifted by the tentacles and carried over to our corner. I watched as our nine babies writhed around on the ground next to their father. They seemed much more mobile than the adult version and after maybe after an hour all them suddenly began burrowing into the ground below us and disappeared. That was the last I saw of them. A few hours later we were seized by the tentacles. As I felt a tentacle forcing itself into my vagina, I did not feel any more pain than usual. Apparently I had healed from childbirth. And as an orgasm hit me and I felt the creature’s cum spurting into my belly I realized that the process was starting over. As we frequently did, Stacy and I cried ourselves to sleep.

(to be continued...)


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