Monday, July 9, 2012

Weird Science (Part 4)

Background on Art:  The final piece of my Weird Science Commission.  A fantastic series by Faustie.

(Continued from Part 3...)

 As time went on, I could feel the brood in my belly begin to move around. My stomach was so swollen and there was so much movement that I became positive that more than one "baby" was growing inside me. This was confirmed some time later when I woke from a particularly delicious Mark dream to the sounds of my blonde neighbor as she began to gasp and moan. By this time her belly had grown obscenely large. I looked over at her, the noises she was making different from the regular noises of pleasure she and all of us made. The tentacles in her vagina, mouth, and anus actually withdrew from her body, yet she continued to moan.

(story continued after jump...)

The voice in my head sounded, “She feels no pain. Only pleasure. For her willful surrender to us, she feels not the pains of labor. It is our gift for her surrender.”' And as I watched in horror, a small tentactled creature started to slide out from between her pussy lips. When the thing had exited her womb it landed on the ground with a small wet plopping sound and immediately a tentacle immerged from the green pool and wrapped gently around the creature. As this was occurring, another creature baby began to exit the blonde's birth canal, this one totally different-looking from the first.

The blonde was soon drenched in sweat as spawn after spawn emerged from her womb. The creatures were all monstrosities. Some were balls of slithering tentacles, others resembled larvae, others resembled fully grown insects or spiders, some even had humanoid features. After over a dozen creatures emerged from her womb, her labor appeared to finally be over. The tentacles reinserted themselves into her orifices. Her eyes half closed and she lay limp. Slowly tentacles lifted up two of her brood up to her chest and the creatures began to nurse at her swollen teats. Other tentacles emerged from the pool and carried over a pair of the babies over to my own swollen breasts and they began to nurse, I was now their surrogate mother. The same occurred with other of the more pregnant girls in the Nest who were lactating.

Seeing the birthing, having these monsters suckle at my swollen nipples was the final straw. I was so horrified, so angry, so revolted, that I was finally able to resist the Mark dreams. Every time Mark appeared I recognized it as a dream and awoke before the orgasms could begin. This was a huge victory for me, which brought me the closest I had ever come to feeling joy since being taken from the library. My mind was strong evidently and I was not broken, these creatures, this Nest could not get me to surrender to the pleasure. The intensity of the orbs buzzing increased until my whole head throbbed but I refused to give in.

Eventually the Nest changed tactics. The fact that it changed tactics felt like another victory to me. I had beaten it. It had to resort to plan B. It stopped trying to force me into dreams and instead tried to overwhelm me with pleasure while I was awake. But rather than overwhelm my body with orgasms, it tried to keep me on the brink, keeping me unbearably aroused without letting me orgasm. The voice sounded in my head. "You think you have beaten us. The dreams of you with the human were but the first stage. Fantasies based on your old life. Soon you will forget your old life completely. Soon you will be a mindless drone, which knows only pleasure. Then you will be fully broken. Do not resist us. Surrender to us and we will give you immeasurable pleasure."

I bit my lip and tried to ignore the voice in my head as well as the sensations between my legs. I was able to put the arousal in the back of my mind for a long time. I concentrated on other things, the horrid monsters suckling at my nipples, memories of my family and friends back home, my parents, my two younger sisters.

Bolts of energy shot through my body, emanating from my groin, wave after wave of tingling, stimulating, pulsating arousal washing over me. I closed my eyes and tried to think of all the horrid things that had happened to me, trying to dampen my arousal. It worked for a short time but soon the sensations increased, the arousal increased. God, I felt so aroused! I could feel the heat of my swollen sex, juices leaking out of it. The nub of my clit hardened and grew and began throbbing between my legs. My breasts were hot and I could feel the hardness of my nipples. The arousal was electrifying and I cried out in frustration as the Nest denied the release I craved. The voice in my head sounded. "Surrender yourself to us and you will get your release, release that will last an eternity and be more intense than you can even imagine. Accept your new life."

The arousal frustrated me more and more, practically drove me mad, but I tried to put my mind elsewhere. I watched as new girls were brought into the nest. I watched the blonde recover from her labor and her brood nursing at her breasts, mine, and those of the other very pregnant girls. Focusing on these observations helped me put my mind elsewhere and gave me a temporary relief from my need to cum, from the sensations between my legs and my whole body. However, it was usually difficult to concentrate on other things because very little happened. Other than the occasional new arrival, most of the girls sat in their tentacle prisons, moaning in pleasure, lost in their own worlds of ecstasy. This only strengthened my determination, knowing that I was fighting when the others had surrendered, but their gasps and moans and the smell of their arousal which filled the Nest made it difficult because it made me long for the same relief. Numerous times I would consider surrendering my mind to the Nest but each time I held firm.

This continued for an eternity, at least in my mind, but I have no idea how long this torture actually continued. And though I would not surrender, nor would the Nest surrender its assault on my sensations. My clit ached so much; I was overwhelmed by the feelings deep inside my pussy as my body shook uncontrollably. I wanted so badly to cum but I was not going to surrender my mind to the Nest. Eventually the need to orgasm was too much and I tried to take matters in my own hands. I tried tensing and relaxing the muscles in the groin, squeezing the tentacle invading my pussy, trying to get myself off but it didn't work. The sensations in my pussy were stronger and juice oozed from my vagina in pulses and trickled down between my ass-cheeks. I was so close to orgasm but the nest would not let my body be tipped over the edge.

My pussy pulsated and quivered as the sensations increased, plateaued, then subsided just enough to keep me from cumming, this process continuing over and over. I was so horny – so desperate to cum, and secured as I was I was not able to get relief myself, the only way was by surrendering my mind to the Nest. But I couldn't!

I lost track of time. All I knew was that I NEEDED to cum but I would not give in. I felt like I was going insane with desire. I could think of nothing else. I needed to cum! Perhaps I could surrender now but after gaining some relief, start my fight anew. Or would it be over? Would that be it and would I be like the rest of these moaning mindless girls? I didn't know but I had to take the risk because if I didn't get relief my mind was going to be shattered anyway. I leaned my head back into the orb. I stopped fighting. I surrendered.

The orgasm hit me almost at once, more intense than any I had previously experienced. Wave after wave of pleasure hit me and I lifted my head back and screamed, loud even with the tentacle shoved down my throat. I climaxed and climaxed, the powerful waves of pleasure just kept coming, not subsiding, actually growing more intense. I was lost in a world of pleasure. I knew as long as I didn‘t start fighting again that the pleasure would not stop. In the back of my mind I wanted to restart my resistance, I was ashamed that I had given into the lust, but the pleasure was too intense and I could not bear to give it up and go back to the frustration and the need, and so I did not fight.

I do not know how long the waves of pleasure hit me, but I was lost in my own little world. I lost track of time completely, it may have hours, it may have been months. Only when it slowed down significantly did I even regain my thoughts enough to contemplate how long I had been in this state. I opened my eyes to find that the tentacles had withdrawn from my vagina, anus, and mouth. Though waves of pleasure still emanated from between my legs the intensity was much lower. I realized then that I could feel contractions in my pelvis and I realized I was in labor. Strangely there was no pain, as if my nerves had been dulled, and yet I still felt wave after wave of pleasure.

I started pushing, straining to push out the brood in my womb. After a few minutes I felt something moving out of my womb, as I groaned and pushed trying to get it out of me. As the first spawn finally was fully pushed from me and fell to the cave floor I felt only the subtlest pangs of pain, and the pleasure I felt quickly overcame that pain. 

Again and again the things emerged from my body, over a dozen being born before I expelled the last one. I laid back exhausted, drenched in sweat, panting. The tentacles reinserted themselves into my mouth, pussy, and ass, and I felt not revulsion or horror, just relief. Relief that I could return to intense pleasure. The pleasure grew in intensity again and once again I was lost in my own world. I barely noticed as two of my new babies suckled at my breasts.

I lost all track of time again, I cared about nothing. I enjoyed the pleasure. I became lost in the pleasure.


I collapsed to the cave floor and blinked, coming out of my trance, the tentacles had withdrawn from my body, even the ones holding me to the wall. I lied in a sweaty pile on the ground. I could move my head but not my arms or legs. My whole body was in pain, each and every muscle sore, and my vagina and ass felt like they were on fire. I was nauseous and for a moment as I sucked in air I thought I was going to vomit. My head now away from the orb, I slowly regained my senses. In horror I realized what had been happening to me. I had been in some sort of trance, blinded with pleasure and ecstasy, but now I remembered my old life. My family. My friends. My aspirations. I examined my body. My vagina was red and swollen and sore. But I had seemingly lost all of my pregnancy weight and more notably my breasts had returned to their normal size, so apparently I was no longer lactating. Turning I looked at the other girls still secured to the walls. I noticed at once that the blonde was gone, and in her place was a redhead. What had happened to the blonde? After birthing and nursing her brood, had she been released? Was I now being released? Or had she served her purpose and been killed? Was I about to face my own end? I closed my eyes, thinking that death was better than spending any more time secured to that wall of the Nest. I heard footsteps and my eyes shot open as spacesuits approached me. One of them slipped a hood over my head and then couple others grabbed my shoulders and began to drag me away. I still had no control over my limbs but I didn’t want to fight them anyway. They were removing me from this hell, and I couldn't imagine any place being worse than here. I prayed that I would see my family again. Clearly whoever these people, or creatures, were they had vastly superior technology and perhaps they would erase my mind of everything that had happened and I could go home. The hood was pulled from my head. I stared up at the giant phallus-faced monster that I had woken up to when my ordeal first began. I let out an anguished wail. No! Not again! My ordeal was not over. It was starting all over again! The monster's tentacles lashed out at me and seized me.


My battered ravaged body was dragged back to the nest. I was crying, both in pain and in sorrow. They hadn't even bothered with the hood, evidently they were confident I wasn't going to try to or be able to escape anymore. As I was taken into the nest I saw the blonde again. Her belly was bloated and she stared ahead with dazed, half-open eyes. Evidently she had just been put in a new spot after being re-impregnated. I was dragged pasts dozens and dozens of women, all in various states of pregnancy, most deeply in their trances and moaning in pleasure, I also saw a few fighters like I had been. I knew their fighting would be futile. I was thrown into an empty spot, and the tentacles quickly secured me while others inserted themselves into my body. I felt my head being pulled back until it was pressed against an orb.

"No," I whimpered. The orb starting to buzz and I could hear the voice in my head.

"This is your purpose now. You have hundreds of thousands of eggs in your ovaries. We have suspended the aging process in your body. You will birth thousands and thousands and thousands of babies before your body cannot sustain pregnancy anymore or your ovaries are depleted and you will be terminated. But this will not happen for a virtual eternity, longer than the entire existence of your civilization. You can spend millennia in pure mindless pleasure. Or you can spend it futilely resisting and suffering. Compare this long length of time to the short time you have been here, barely a full year and you see that if you fight it will be a horrible ordeal. You are a mother in the Nest now. This fate you cannot avoid. We beg you, for your own wellbeing, do not fight us. It matters not to us, you will serve as a mother regardless. But please, let us make the experience nothing but pure ecstasy and pleasure for you, thousands and thousands of years of uninterrupted sexual pleasure and climax. Surrender to us and you will feel what your species has called Nirvana or Heaven. Or continue to resist and face an eternity in what your species calls Hell. The choice is yours."

I pant and close my eyes. I will miss my family and my friends. I will never have a family of my own, except for the monsters that grow in my womb. I will never have a career except reproduction, like a cow or chicken. But I have no choice in the matter. And perhaps a millennium of continuous orgasms will be better than any joys I would have experienced in my former life. No not perhaps. Almost certainly. I close my eyes. I surrender. 


Kelly stared in horror at the scene around her. This had to be a nightmare! She had fallen asleep in her bedroom, her parents in the next room over. But she had awoken to find herself in the presence of a giant monster that had brutally ravaged her. Now she was in some sort of cave, and all around her were other young women. Like them, she was secured to the wall, immobile, and tentacles were shoved into her orifices. Tears streamed down her face. She had just reached her eighteenth birthday and was finishing her senior year in high school. She had been so excited about her future and now she was convinced that she was soon going to be dead. Or worse. Suddenly her eyes rested on one of the other girls near her. The girls eyes were dead looking but the girl curled and uncurled her toes and moaned softly, and it was crazy but they seemed like moans of pleasure. Kelly realized the girl was very much alive. But that is not why Kelly focused on her. She focused on her because it was Amanda. Her sister. Her sister that had disappeared from her college library during her freshmen year five years ago. The disappearance of Amanda had nearly torn her family apart. Their mother was never the same again. Their father had taken to drinking. Kelly had lost her best friend and never recovered from it emotionally. The worst of it was that no one had any idea what had happened. The police had been completely baffled. Security cameras in the library's lobby had shown her go into the library. But it didn't show her exit and every exit was covered by a camera. No suspicious individuals had entered the library. She had just vanished without a trace. But here her sister was. Had her sister been here for five years? Her skin was extremely pale, and her arms and legs incredibly skinny, and her face gaunt. Her belly and breasts were grotesquely swelled. But other than that she looked almost exactly like she had when she had disappeared. Like she had not even aged. Kelly focused on her grotesquely swollen belly. So many of the women here were like that. Oh god, was this what was going to happen to her? Kelly tried to call out to her sister but instantly she felt an intense agonizing pain in her vagina and ass. The orb behind her head began to buzz and she heard a voice in her head.

"You may not speak. But even if we allowed you to speak, your sister cannot hear you, and even if she could hear you, she would have no memory of you. And soon you will have no memory of her."

Kelly began thrashing wildly but to no avail. What was this place? What was going to happen to her?

"You have the necessary genetics for our purposes. Your whole family does. Your sister was the first but we have collected others in your family and now you and you will not be the last." Kelly thought in horror about her missing cousin. She had gone missing two years ago. But she had been in trouble a lot and the police had ruled she was a runaway and no one had drawn any connection between her cousin and Amanda. But was her cousin here too? Then the statement that 'she would not be the last' sunk in. Her younger sister! She was a couple years younger than Kelly.

"Yes, in time when she is of a breeding age she will join you here. But when she does you will have no memory of her. And you must not concern yourself with her, it is best that you just surrender. Resistance to us is futile. Your new life as a mother in our Nest has begun."

Kelly screamed and sat up in bed. She opened her eyes and let out a sigh of relief. It had been a dream. A horrible one. But the thought of her long lost older sister lingered. Kelly wondered what had happened to Amanda. She was probably dead, Stacy had grown to accept that years ago. Suddenly her door slowly crept open. John slowly crept into her room. The boy from school who she had a huge crush on. As far as she knew, John didn’t even know who she was. But here he was sneaking into her bedroom.

Kelly looked at him confused and started to speak as John climbed into the bed next to her. He put his finger on her lips and whispered "be quiet, we don ‘t want to wake your parents." He leaned in to kiss her as his hands slid up her thigh and under her panties. Kelly moaned softly.


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