Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Weird Science (Part 1)

Background on Art:
This was the first picture in a four part commission. I only gave Faustie a very rough outline of what I wanted to transpire in the series of pictures and deferred to him on the details. In fact, for this picture I only asked for a picture of a large creature capturing a poor damsel, and it was Faustie who came up with the awesome abomination above. I had requested a very small commission from Faustie several years before, and the awesome detail he put into this creature, and the series of pictures as a whole, really illustrated how far his artistic abilities had developed. When he sent the picture and the later ones in the series, he outlined to me how he had imagined this creature and what its intentions were, and actually that is what inspired me to take his idea and develop it into a short story, which I orignally posted on his website.

My eyes fluttered opened and I sat up quickly. For a moment, I assumed I was awakening in the library and had fallen asleep studying again.  It made sense at first; the last thing I remembered was reading and taking notes from my macroeconomics book, and my eyes growing heavy.  But as my eyes adjusted to the light I realized I was not slumped over, leaning on a table in the library with my head resting on a book.  I wasn't in the library at all.  Instead I found myself lying on the floor in a dimly lit gray room.  The room was massive, like it was a warehouse or something.  But there were no visible doors or windows.  Literally everything around me was gray, the floors the walls and the ceiling.  The only thing that wasn't gray was the dull fluorescent lighting on the ceiling.  As I took in my surroundings, completely puzzled, I tried to think of what could have happened to me that took me from the library to this mysterious place.

(story continued after jump...)

But a noise behind me caused me to turn my head and instantly my concern for how I ended up here vanished.  For a moment I was convinced I was dreaming, and that I in fact was sleeping in the library because the massive thing that loomed over me could only be the creation of a nightmare.  The creature was unlike anything I had ever seen or imagined.  It had features of a man, a machine, and of a creature one would see in a horror or science fiction movie.  The monster dwarfed me, standing eight or nine feet in height.  Its massive head was probably eight times the size of my own and it looked down at me with orange eyes that burned fiercely, appearing almost mechanical, more like glowing lights than eyes.  The thing had no nose and where its mouth should have been was a massive, long, gray, veiny appendage.  There was no mistaking what this appendage was; it was a massive phallus, thicker than the calves on my legs.  The monster's face was covered in gray scaly flesh but its skull was metallic and mechanical-looking.  In the back of its head was a thick glass chamber, with a white slimy fluid sloshing around inside.  Below its horrifying head was a thick mechanical neck and shoulders, and below them massive fleshy arms and hands.  The creature had a fleshy chest and a grotesquely bloated belly.  Protruding from its massive belly were a dozen long gray tentacles, each one was longer than my own body, as thick as my wrist, and ended in a bulbous head.  The tentacles writhed around wildly and then withdrew into its body, only to shoot out and writhe around again.  The creature did not appear to have legs but from its "waist" up it was still the size of a small elephant.  With its gray flesh and phallic "trunk" the thing almost resembled an elephant, if an elephant mated with one of the creatures from the Alien movies.  Its body rested into a metal base that was connected to strange-looking machinery, a series of metal boxes, chambers and wires.  Tubes and pipes protruded from various points of the monster's body and travelled to more machinery behind it.  The machinery connected to the creature nearly doubled it in size.

I looked the monster up and down for several moments, in absolute shock, before I regained my senses.  Finally instinct took over and I let out a horrified scream and stumbled to my feet.  I spun around and tried to run, to get away from this monster, whatever it was.  Unfortunately the monster reacted much more quickly than I did.  As I started to run, I suddenly felt something snake around my ankle, tripping me, and causing me to tumble down onto the floor.  I looked behind me to see that one of the creature's tentacles had wrapped around my ankle.  I stood up again as another tentacle shot from the monster's body and wrapped itself around my other leg.  I let out another scream of terror as I realized I was firmly in this creature's grip.    Thrashing and kicking wildly, I tried to free myself, but the tentacles' grip was strong.  A third tentacle shot out and grabbed at my foot and I kicked madly at it.  It wrapped around my sneaker and in my struggles, I pulled my foot free of the sneaker.  Another tentacle shot out, and slithered up my leg.  I let out another shriek as it slid under the bottom of my sweater, up my belly, between my breasts and out the neck of the sweater, where it wriggled menacingly in front of my face.    Suddenly it pulled upwards, pulling my sweater up with it over my head.  The sweater now covered my face and blinded me, which only increased my panic.  Suddenly I felt my other sneaker being pulled off and I realized in horror that the thing was stripping me of my clothes.  I felt another tentacle slither down my back and slide down the back of my pants, and in an instant they had been yanked down to my ankles.  I started sobbing, helpless in the creature's grip as it slowly tore away at my clothes.  The creature succeeded in pulling my sweater up over my head and completely free of my body.  Other tentacles pulled off my socks and soon my pants were completely off too, leaving me in only my bra and panties.  I continued my futile struggles but the creature's tentacles gripped me by the legs and around my stomach, making escape impossible.  I suddenly I felt a tentacle slither down the small of my back and down the back of my panties.  It slithered down, between my ass cheeks, and slipping up again, over my crotch.  The sensation of this horrible thing touching my most private of areas renewed my determination and I screamed, thrashing and bucking wildly.  But an instant later the tentacle yanked hard, tearing my panties from my body.  Finally a tentacle slid up my belly, under my bra in between my breasts and with a hard yank, the bra was torn from my body and I was now completely naked.  Most of the tentacles withdrew from my body, but two remained wrapped around my ankles.  The tentacles started to pull me back towards the monster.  I fell forward, clawing at the floor desperately trying to crawl away, but the monster effortlessly pulled me towards it.  Two more tentacles shot out and wrapped around my wrists and a fifth tentacle snaked around my waist; that one pulled upwards and suddenly I went from my belly to being on all fours, as if in a crawling position, with my limbs held immobile against the floor.

I wailed in terror as I contemplated what the creature intended for me, my imagination running wild.  I prayed I would wake up from this nightmare but I did not, as I felt another tentacle start to slide up my leg.  It seemed the horror I imagined was about to become a reality.

(To be continued…)

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