Friday, December 21, 2012

The Alien Mine (Part 2)

Note: Not one of my commissioned pieces, but the parts to the story exceed the number of commissioned pieces so I will use some other art from Faustie that I enjoy and that are similarly-themed to complete the story.

(continued from Part 1)

When I eventually woke up, my assault had ended and the cavern had emptied of the ant creatures. I moaned, my whole body sore. The agonizing pain was centered on my pussy and ass, which felt like they were on fire. I could feel stickiness that I knew must be cum probably mixed with my blood, slowly draining out of my ass and pussy, oozing down the crack of my butt and my thighs. My back and neck were also throbbing in pain, presumably from the forced position I was. My jaw ached from the gag shoved in my mouth. Looking at the girls strapped into the stockades in front me, I could see what I imagine my own backside looked like: gaping assholes, swollen red sexes, and a white slime coating their asses and thighs. I could hear some of them crying softly. Perhaps from the same soreness I felt, but also probably because, like for me, their new reality was setting in. We were trapped on an alien planet. Wherever it was, it was outside of humanity's known universe. There would be no rescue. We would never see our families or friends again. This was our life now, and it appeared to be unimaginably horrifying.

(continued after the jump..)

I felt exhausted but it was hard to fall asleep again, with the pain I felt and the uncomfortable position that I was in. For some time I as in a sort of dazed stage, only half asleep. Then the sounds of muffled cries jolted me fully awake. I realized ant creatures were being herded inside. Perhaps the same ones as before, perhaps new ones; it was impossible to tell. I let out a tortured wail. Not again! I was so sore, I couldn't take this again! How much time had even passed? The sky was still dark but who know how long darkness lasted here. Who knew if there was even daytime in this place. As the ant creatures were herded one by one to the first row of girls and began thrusting into them. I started to cry, but only muffled noises escaped my gagged mouth. As the ant creatures were escorted to the row in front of me I watched in terror. The girl directly in front of me writhed around, shaking her ass back and forth, trying desperately to keep the creature that had settled in behind her from fucking her. It was no use though, and the ant creature gripped her hips with its massive hands and held her still. It lined its cock up with her sex and then jabbed its hips forward, fully impaling her. As I watched the creature thrusting in and out of the poor girl I suddenly felt strong hands gripping my own hips. I wailed through my gag as I felt a cock shoved roughly into my pussy. Soon my own muffled screams joined the chorus of other girls as we were used. As the creature finished and the next one took his position I prayed that this was just a nightmare and that I would wake up in my own bed. But this was not a dream. I was going to spend the rest of my life locked in this pillory and ravaged by these big brutes. I was used over and over, probably a couple dozen times before it was over and I passed out again.

I was jolted awake to cold water spraying my face. Coughing and sputtering, my eyes shot open. Standing in front of me was one of the red-haired slave girls. She held a hose and was spraying down my body. The water was freezing and I cried out but I was helpless in the pillory and could not avoid the freezing jet of water. The slave circled me, Suddenly I felt something push against my pussy and I realized she had stuck the nozzle of the hose into me. A second later I felt a blast of freezing water spraying into my vagina and I shrieked through my gag. After a minute she pulled it out and a second later I felt it against my anus. She pushed it in with little difficulty, which I assumed was because my ass was now gaping from the brutal assaults I had undergone. Another jet of icy cold water to clean out that hole and she withdrew the hose again. She circled me again and set down the hose. She then reached up and around my head. I felt the strap to the ball gag being unfastened. "Make a noise and you will be gagged again without eating," said the redhead coldly. She pulled the gag out of my mouth and dropped it onto the ground and drool poured down my chin. I didn't dare speak but tried to work my sore jaw, which ached tremendously from having the ball gag shoved in for so long. The redhead picked up the hose again and shoved the nozzle into my mouth. "Drink," she commanded and the water turned down and I started gulping down the water that streamed out, trying not to think about where the hose had just been. She pulled the hose away after a few seconds and then moved onto the girl secured in the pillory next to me.

I remained where I was, my teeth chattering as the water evaporated from my body. Sometime later another of the red-haired girls approached me. She held a large metal bowl that contained some sort of gray gooey substance. This redhead approached me and dipped her hand into the gray goo, scooping out a handful. She held it up to my face. "Lick it up," she commanded. I hesitated for a moment but I realized that my stomach ached and I was starving. I begin to lick and slurp up the goo. I almost retched. It had a fishy bitter vile taste, almost reminding me of cod liver oil. But I was so hungry that licked it up and swallowed the vile substance down. The girl made me lick up every last bit until I had cleaned off her hand with my tongue. She picked up my ball gag of the ground and refastened it and then moved on. After a while a new redhead reached me , carrying the bucket of green goo that had been rubbed on me before. She reapplied it to my pussy and ass, and I felt the tingling sensation as it touched my flesh. The tingling sensation actually soothed some of the soreness I was feeling, for which I was grateful. The redhead moved on, tending to the other girls secured in pillories. 

After while the redheads all departed from our little cavern. I fell asleep, crying, as I thought of my family and friends back on earth, knowing I would never see them again. I woke up again, this time to the sounds of distressed cries. I opened my eyes and looked around. The big ant creatures had returned and were lined up to use us. Again I was used over and over until I had passed out. The cycle went on and on. The creatures would use us and occasionally redheads returned to clean and feed us and the cycle would start over.

This continued for what seemed like days but I could not be sure. The sky was always dark so it was hard to tell. The only way to keep track of time was our feedings and cleanings but I lost count of those after a couple dozen. Moreover, I was finding that our "fucking sessions" as I came to think of them were happening more frequently, or at least more were happening in between cleanings and feedings. The soreness and aching throughout my body increased and increased for some time but eventually it began to dull somewhat. I assumed my body was numbing to it or perhaps I was just going into shock. It took longer for my mind to numb to the ordeal. But as more and more time passed, to cope with my ordeal I had started to imagine myself somewhere else. I would daydream that I was back on earth. I imagined finishing my senior year of high school, going to prom, starting college. For most of the days I would do my best to lose myself in this dream world. It soon became easy to do when I was simply secured in the pillory, but proved much more difficult when an ant creature was fucking me or one of the redhead slaves was spraying me off with a hose or making me lick vile gunk off of her hand. As time went on it became more and more difficult to lose myself in my daydreams. It was hard to fantasize of my alternate life on earth because it was getting more and more difficult to imagine myself as a person. I was no longer Anna Wilson. I was an animal. Livestock. I was like one of those chickens that spent its entire life in a small cage except I wasn't producing eggs, rather my holes were the commodity I provided. My ass and pussy were the only parts of me that mattered. They defined who entire worth. I was an animal that had to relieve herself where she stood, and I would be covered in my own filth and the cum of the creatures until I was hosed off like an animal. Never being able to move or talk was the final nail in the coffin. So as the hours or days or weeks or months passed, whatever the time was, my mind was constantly struggling between two perceptions. One my fantasy in which my life was normal back on earth and then my actual life in which I was just some animal to be used. During the brief periods of time I slept my dreams also alternated between these two realities. It could not decide which was worse. The nightmares were a mere continuance of my waking nightmare. It was torture to awaken from a nightmare about being brutalized by a horrible monster only to find out that in real life I was about to be brutalized by a horrible monster. On the other hand it was equally terrible to dream about my life back on earth and then wake up, realizing that it was only a dream and I would never ever return to that life.

One day I awoke from one of my pleasant dreams to quite a surprise. A hand was caressing my cheek, which was a much better way to be awoken then by the a cock being shoved into me or water sprayed on my face. I opened my eyes to see Rachel, the auburn-haired girl I had met on the ship, standing in front of me. She was collared and pierced like the other redheads. But while the other redheads were generally cruel or indifferent to me and the girls locked in the stockades, Rachel was giving me a sad and sympathetic look. She leaned in and whispered softly into my ear. "I am not allowed to talk to you or I will be punished harshly. So we must be careful." She pulled back and then pulled up the hose to clean me. However she was much more gentle. She did not spray me directly in the face and was much more gentle when she inserted the hose into my orifices. After she was finished, she caressed my face again and gave me a sympathetic look and then she moved onto the next girl. I wondered if I would see her again.
But in fact, the next time we were cleaned I did see Rachel again. This time she was the one that fed me. She glanced around nervously and leaned in and whispered in my ear. "The reptile creatures keep the redheads as their personal slaves. They use us sexually and we have to tend to you but it is not nearly as bad as..." She pulled back. She didn't have to finish her sentence, to tell me her life was better than mine. I fully understood how shitty my own ordeal was. Part of me hated Rachel at that moment. I was jealous of her life, which seemed amazing compared to mine. She was still a sex slave but I was an animal. Rachel moved on to the next girl.
Each time that we were fed and cleaned Rachel serviced me and she began to tell me more and more. She told me that my ordeal would improve slightly because the lizards were bringing in more captive girls which would lighten our individual loads. Apparently earth was under a full assault by the aliens and many women and girls were being taken. This was told to me as if it were good news, and it was in my own self interest if it meant there were more "holes" available for the ant creatures to fuck. At the same time I thought about my sister and mother and cousins and nieces and friends. I also learned more about the reasons for this ordeal. She told me the ant creatures were mining some ore that was important to the lizards. They too were slaves, captured from some other planet. They were very strong, hence their use for mining, but were also quite aggressive and dangerous. However, when the creatures were sexually satisfied they were more docile and easier to control, hence why I and the other "cattle" were brought here. She described her own life and how she had been trained to pleasure and serve the lizards. She also told me about the alien lizards' technology. They were vastly superior to humans. Their ships travelled great distances and their weapons had overwhelmed our defenses. More particular to own life, I found out about the goo they rubbed on our pussies and asses. It was a lubricant but also had medicinal properties and caused rapid healing. The goo they fed us kept us from getting sick. She also offered me advice. Avoid looking into the eyes of the other redheads and they will be less cruel to you. When you are being fucked, specifically to squeeze the cocks of the ant creatures with your vagina , because if the creature enjoyed your pussy and was later put in your line again it might remember and would then may be more likely choose your pussy instead of your ass, which was a more painful assault. That was the extent of my control I had over my life now. Don't look the redhead girls in the eye and make sure the ant monsters enjoyed my pussy so they were less likely to sodomize me.
All of this was told over the span of many cleaning and feeding sessions. She could never tell me much at once, but would just whisper in my ear for a few seconds before she had to move on. She was very worried about getting caught. I appreciated her advice and the risk she took. Still, a part of me was incredibly jealous of her. Because she had red hair, her life was not nearly so cruel. It was certainly no picnic but it was nowhere near as harsh as mine. Because I was so jealous and resentful, part of me hated her, and that made me feel incredibly guilty.
Then one time, when she was telling me a new shipment of ant creatures had just been shipped in, there was suddenly an angry shout from behind her. "What are you whispering to that cattle!" an auburn-haired slave yelled out, looking crossly at Rachel. Rachel jumped back and spun around to face the other slave, a look of terror on her face. "Master!" screamed the auburn haired girl. "This girl has broken the primary rule, she is whispering things to the cattle!" A reptile appeared, hissing angrily and stormed over. 
Rachel dropped to her knees. "I am sorry, Master!" she whimpered. The lizard withdrew a whip and lunged at her. He drew his hand back and then swung the whip down, striking Rachel across her body. She howled in pain and writhed around in agony. The whip fell again. Then again and again and Rachel was whipped perhaps a couple dozen times. The creature then grabbed her by the hair and yanked her up. She hung limp in his grip and cried softly. It hissed some command in its foreign language and Rachel was dragged away by some of the other redheads.

I cried for some time, worried about Rachel until the next round of ant creatures came for a fuck session and then I was lost in my own misery. Then a few hours later, Rachel was led out back to our cavern by the redheads and one of the lizards. At first I did not recognize her because her head had been shaved but when she was brought up close I recognized her face. In addition to having her head shaved, her back, butt, and thighs were covered in nasty red welts and she was ball gagged like I was. Behind her and the lizard, one of the ant creatures was wheeling in a new pillory on a cart. The ant creature brought the pillory to a spot in front of me. Rachel was dropped down next to the new pillory and then one of the redheads spoke. "In violation of the slave rules, you spoke with the cattle, so you are hereby sentenced to be cattle." Rachel began to sob as the redhead continued. "Since you like this particular cattle so much, our Masters have decided you will be locked in facing her so you may enjoy watching each other fucked by the work slaves."

Rachel was begging and pleading through her gag but her desperate pleas were ignore. She was locked into the pillory such that she was now facing me, our faces only a few feet apart. The redhead who had spoken earlier continued. "When your hair grows back fully the Masters may consider allowing you to rejoin the harem. That is if you have not been used too hard and your holes stretched out by the work slaves. Then you will not be able to pleasure our Masters and you will spend the rest of your life as cattle." The lizard barked a command and the ant creature who had wheeled in the pillory positioned itself behind Rachel. With a quick motion it thrust forward and Rachel's eyes bulged and she screamed through her gag. The ant creature began thrusting and Rachel experienced her first fucking as cattle. As I watched the shocked and pained look on her face, any jealousy I had felt towards her had vanished. After the ant creature finished, it departed along with the redhead slaves and the lizard. A few minutes later an entire group of the ant creatures entered the cavern and we all were fucked. This time my view wasn't the row of girls in front of me, rather it was the anguished face of the closest thing I had as a friend as we watched each other being ravaged.

This continued for some time. There was actually some comfort in having Rachel there. We couldn't talk of course, but just being able to look into her face provided some comfort. Rachel's hair had probably grown an inch or two of hair so I knew we had been there for a while. One day, after a particularly long fucking session I looked at Rachel. Rachel's eyes were closed though I could not tell if she was asleep or just resting her eyes. Suddenly a large explosion shook the ground. I heard terrified screams from the girls around me as more explosions made the ground tremble. Some seemed close, others far away. I hard shouts and screams coming from outside the cavern and then more explosions.
My first thought was that a ship had crashed or a mine had collapsed. But suddenly I hard angry screams and grunts and suddenly ant creatures poured into the cavern. Unlike the others I had seen, these ones wee clothed. And they held what looked like guns. One of the ant creatures pointed the gun at a lizard who had retreated to our cavern. A red ball of light shot from the gun and hit the lizard in the chest. The lizard squealed and dropped to the ground, dead. More ant creatures poured in and entered the cavern into the mine. We heard the fighting go on for what seemed like hours. Then some more of the clothed ant creatures entered our cavern. They approached the rows of girls and began to open up the stockades. As they did, the girls collapsed to the ground, apparently too weak to stand. Soon the ant creatures reached me and I was broken from my wooden prison for the first time in what must have been weeks or months. I too collapsed to the ground; I could not move my legs at all. Rachel was released next. However, unlike me and the others, she was roughly dragged out of the cavern. More ant creatures filed in, pushing some of the mining carts. They started gently lifting us and setting us in the carts. They filled the carts with us until there was basically a pile of girls lying in them. One of the ant creatures wheeled us out. When we exited the cavern I looked around in amazement. There were dead lizards everywhere. Scattered amongst the dead lizards were redhead slaves. They were very much alive but probably wished they were dead, because they were pinned to the ground under naked ant creatures who savagely used them. Because these ant creatures were naked I surmised they had been slaves and they were now getting a taste of their former master's prized harem. Scores of the ant creatures lined up, probably hundreds of them, all eager to use the redheads. I realized that Rachel was likely suffering this fate and my eyes teared up. She was not like the other redheads. She didn't deserve this.

The cart I was in was pushed away from the horrific scene towards a massive ship. All around me were more carts of the girls being wheeled away from the mines and to this ship. I wondered what was in store for me. Was this rescue? It seemed that way. The ant creatures were being gentle with us and they were not with the redheads, so perhaps that meant they intended to treat us kindly. Perhaps we would be taken back to earth. Was earth even safe? Or was it still being raided by the lizards? Perhaps we were not being taken back to earth. Perhaps we were being taken to safety but on some new planet. Or perhaps to a new life of slavery under the ownership of these creatures. Maybe this wasn't a rescue so much as a sacking of the lizards of their property. It probably couldn't be much worse than what I endured. Or perhaps it could be. Or perhaps this truly was rescue and my ordeal was over. These thoughts swam in my head as I was brought to the new ship, to begin my new life, whatever that was.


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