Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Plant (Part 2)

Background on Art: Part two of the three-part commission.

I was in shock, trying to make sense of what was happening to me. I had been kidnapped by men who worked at a science lap. That, and only that part of it, made any sense at all. Earlier, when I had woken up tried up in the room and the men had entered and teased me with the vibrator, horrifying thoughts of what was going to happen to me had run through my mind. But what I had imagined was nothing like this. This was unimaginable. The vine of a giant monster plant was thrusting in and out of my vagina. The assault by the plant couldn't have lasted more than a few minutes but it seemed like an eternity. It didn't hurt, but the humiliation and horror of it were more than enough to bear. Finally, the vine withdrew fully from my body with a wet slurping noise. The plant did the same to Tiffany and we both hung from our wrists panting and crying. Suddenly, Tiffany looked up and her eyes focused on something and she gasped again. I looked over. The massive flower bulb was no longer lying still on the ground. The stem and bulb slowly raised into the air. As I stared at the bulb it slowly began to open. As it did, I realized it was not flower. The bulb parted and what I had thought was a flower bulb was in actuality more aptly described as the plant's "head." And the part that was opening was what could best be described as a "mouth." The mouth opened and shut a couple times as the head waved back and forth in the air. At the same time dozens and dozens of the plant's vines began waving around in the air and sliding across the ground. This was apparently what the men had meant about the plant coming out of its dormant state. The plant's head stopped waving back and forth and it lowered until it was pointed towards Tiffany and I. The plant did not appear to have eyes, and I had no idea if it could "see" us but it definitely seemed like the creature was focused on us.

(story continues after jump...)

Suddenly a couple dozen vines shot forward from the plant towards us. Tiffany and I both screamed as the vines began wrapping around us like tentacles. Vines began slithering around my body and wrapping around my limbs and torso; I tried to pull free but the plant and its vines were way too strong and it was no use. I clamped my eyes shut; I was too scared to watch this. But suddenly I felt my skirt being tugged down my hips and my eyes shot open. I watched in horror as a pair of vines began slowly tugging my skirt completely down my legs and off my body. Another vine that had been poking at the small of my back suddenly slithered upward and under the back of my shirt. It suddenly pulled away from my body and there was explosion of popping buttons as the shirt was torn from my body. I realized I was being stripped naked by a plant. I kicked out at the vines with my feet, trying to hurt them, even stamping on them on the ground to crush them but if I hurt the plant it did not react. More vines shot forward, slithering around and exploring my body. My panties were pulled down from my knees and completely off. Another vine tugged at my bra pulling it from by body until the clasp gave out and it snapped off, leaving me completely naked. Looking over at Tiffany, she too was stripped naked.

I heard a loud mechanical clicking noise and suddenly the hook holding my wrists unfastened from the chain. I tumbled forward onto the ground. Instinctively I tried to stand up but the vines wrapped around my arms and legs held me down. Other vines started pulling at the rope around my wrists until it was pulled free. I was free of my bondage now but firmly in the plant's grip. I heard someone crying out and saw that Tiffany had also had been freed from the hook and was entwined in the plant's vines. She was on her back thrashing wildly trying to free herself from the vines that wrapped round her limbs. 

My attention left Tiffany as I found myself being dragged over to the base of the plant. I screamed in terror as I looked up at its large mass. The head of the plant was staring right down at me. There was no denying now that it could see us or otherwise sense us. I struggled, trying to free myself but the plant was much too strong. It flipped me over onto my back and pulled me up against its base, so I was leaning against it on my back. My arms were wrenched up and a wine wrapped around my wrists. It now secured me the same way the hook had earlier and all I could do was kick wildly with my legs trying to pull myself away but it was no use. With my arms now secured, a vine wrapped around each of my knees. The plant pulled my knees up and apart, gently but firmly, so that I was lying, spread-eagled, against the plant. I could feel the cool air against my pussy and realized I was completely exposed for whatever the plant wanted to do to me. I bucked wildly, trying to free myself but the vines held me tight. I eventually gave up my struggles and turned to look at what was happening to Tiffany.

Tiffany was still struggling with the vines that had wrapped around her. Suddenly she was pulled up into the air and flipped over and dropped so that she was lying on her stomach. The vines then pulled her up so she rested in on her hands and knees. She tried to crawl away but vines lashed around her wrists and ankles firmly. As I watched, suddenly a vine shot forward in plunged into her vagina. Her eyes widened in shock and she let out a scream. As soon as she did another vine forced itself past her lips and into her mouth, pushing further down her throat, cutting off her scream. The vine in her pussy withdrew most of the way and then began plunging in and out of her. As it did, another vine starting forcing itself into her anus. A high pitched squeal escaped Tiffany's stuffed mouth as the vine forced its way fully into her ass. The squeal grew louder as the vine began thrusting in and out. The vine stuffed down her throat began to thrust in and out as well. The entire thing was obscene; my poor friend being triple penetrated and fucked by a plant! Unlike the green vines that had grabbed us and tormented us so far, the three vines that were ravaging poor Tiffany were red. The one plunging in and out of Tiffany's pussy and mouth were almost as thick as my wrist and the one in her ass only slightly less thick. They did not look smooth and fleshy and slippery and wet the green vines; instead they looked dry scratchy with numerous bumps and knots in them which could not have felt pleasant, particularly at the rapid speed in which they were relentlessly thrusting in and out my poor friend. Another small whine escaped her throat and she looked at me, her eyes filled with fear and shock. I watched the grotesque scene as my poor friend was ravaged in all of her holes by the plant. 

Suddenly I felt something brush against the lips of my vagina. I squealed and looked down right as a green vine slipped inside me. Another pushed its way into my ass, and I squealed again in discomfort. When I opened my mouth to squeal a third vine forced its way down my throat, cutting off the noise,. I feared I was about to be brutally fucked like Tiffany but the vines were the more "friendly-looking" green ones and the ones in my pussy and ass began slowly thrusting in and out while the one in my mouth remained still. I wondered if this had something to do with the fact that the vines assaulting her were red and the ones invading me were green, and was confused why the plant was being "gentler" with me. As I watched poor Tiffany, the vines attacking her continued their relentless rapid thrusting. Then it dawned on me what the man had said: One of us was key for "fertilization" and the other wouldn't be so lucky. I still had no idea what that meant and which one of us would end up the "unlucky" one but right now Tiffany's treatment seemed to be more horrible. The plant continued to keep her pinned down on her hands and knees as it ravaged her. She wasn't struggling or even moving, she just remained still, staring forward with the pained, shock, look in her eyes as tears poured down her cheeks.

Something began brushing against my clit and I looked down to see a thin vine teasing and rubbing it. I noticed that I was starting to grow wetter down there again and felt warmth in my loins. Oh god, I was getting psychically aroused by this even if mentally I had never experienced something so horrible and repulsive. For ten minutes the vines slid in and out of my sopping wet pussy while the other vine teased at my clit, pushing me closer and closer to climax. My muffled moaning increased as I felt the approaching orgasm, and I tried to fight the arousal, but it was a losing battle. The orgasm hit me suddenly and took control of my body. I moaned as wave after wave of orgasm ravished over me. When it finally ended I fell limp against the plant, covered in sweat and gasping for air. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced and the thought that a grotesque plant had done it was horrifying. But any pity I felt for myself vanished when I looked over again at Tiffany. I am sure she would have gladly traded spots with me.
The pace of the vines thrusting in to her had not slowed at all. This had been going on for a long time now, at least fifteen or twenty minutes. But then suddenly the vines all simultaneously stiffened for a few seconds and then withdrew. As soon as they did, a reddish slimy liquid began to spurting out of Tiffany's orifices, apparently something the creature's vines had "ejaculated" into her.. She started retching and soon threw up a bunch of the red slime. After she threw up what looked to be like a gallon of the liquid she fell to the ground and was writhing around moaning, her hands between her legs. "It burns!' she wailed as she tried scooping the red stuff out of her battered vagina and wiping it off her chin, ass and thighs. 
But she was given hardly no time to recover. Suddenly a green vine slapped at her ankle. She looked at the vine and screamed and jumped away. Another vine started snaking towards her and she got up on wobbly legs and backed away. Another vine snaked out at her, slapping near her and she started to limp away, moving as fast as she could after having suffered her ordeal. She ran to the far corner of the room and the vines snaked after her and she ran again, to a new corner, terror in her eyes. The vines chased her around the room but she was able to stay ahead of them. This went on for over ten minutes and by then Tiffany was panting and covered in sweat. Still, she was determined to stay away from these vines and the humiliating torture they were inflicting on her. And somehow she was managing to stay just ahead of them but I could see she was slowing down from exhaustion. The vines had moved so quickly before when they had seized us but now they were almost toying with her. And then, suddenly, the vines lashed out quicker than a the blink of an eye and grabbed Tiffany by the ankles. She let out a loud wail as she was dragged back over to the plant and once again pushed down onto her hands and knees. I started to cry, pitying my poor friend, as the red vines forced themselves into her mouth, ass and pussy again, and began to vigorously fuck her. As I was watching, another powerful orgasm hit me. Then another only a minute after the previous. Then another a few minutes later. Orgasm after orgasm was washing over me. The pleasure I felt was humiliating and I was ashamed that my body was reacting to this terrible disgusting ordeal but as I watched poor Tiffany, I counted my blessings. As the previous time, the vines plundered her battered holes for ten or fifteen minutes and then spurted the reddish slime into her and withdrew. As soon as they did, Tiffany tried to get up and run away but she fell down. She was completely exhausted, but I could see the determination in her eyes as she slowly got back up and limped away. Once again the vines gave chase. They caught her in maybe five minutes and she was again pulled down and suffered another vicious assault. During this time I orgasmed another couple times. By now, I too was exhausted, panting, and covered in sweat. Suddenly I felt something spurting into my mouth. With the vine showed into my mouth I had no choice but to swallow. Whatever it was felt pulpy in my mouth and it tasted herbal and was not all that unpleasant. The vine withdrew and some of the liquid spilled down my chin and onto my breasts. Looking down at it, I saw that it was not the red slime that was being spurted into Tiffany. This stuff was green and was I thought it somewhat resembled wet grass clippings, like the stuff that a lawnmower produced.

The red vines finished their latest assault on Tiffany. After they withdrew, she was too exhausted to get up but she tried to crawl away. The vines slowly chased her, again, as if they were toying with her. They chased her around for five minutes or so before they grabbed her and began to ravage her once again. While this was going on I cummed twice more. The green pulp had seemingly replenished me because I was no longer exhausted and out of breath. After my orgasms I was "fed" again.
The red vines finished with Tiffany and this time she was too exhausted, too broken, to even crawl away. She didn't even writhe around like before, and instead just laid on the ground limp. This time the red vines did not attack her. Instead, the plant's regular green vines grabbed around her limbs and hoisted her into the air. She was carried over to the creature's head and, as I watched in horror, the plant's mouth opened wide and Tiffany let out a scream as she was suddenly dropped inside. Tiffany fell in but frantically grabbed at the outside edge of the mouth as she was falling in and was able to hoist herself partially out, so that she was only inside from the waist down. She had barely been able to move before, but apparently the prospect of being swallowed had caused adrenaline to kick in and she as fighting, desperate to get out of the plant's mouth. Vines shot up and grabbed at her wrists, trying to wrench them free. "Oh god!" she screamed. "Help me Lexie, it is eating me!" I watched in horror, my eyes welling up with tears. There was absolutely nothing I could do, the vines held me firmly. She thrashed around wildly trying to pull herself out of the plant's mouth while the plant pushed and pulled at her with its vines and opened its mouth wider, trying to force her the whole way in. Tiffany struggled for a minute or two. But, as exhausted and battered as she was from the previous ordeal, she didn't stand much of a chance. Eventually the creature titled its had back an she tumbled the whole way in. The mouth clamped shut. I heard muffled screams from inside and the plant's "flesh" rippled as Tiffany was apparently thrashing around inside. This continued for a long time. I watched, sobbing, as sounds inside the plant's gullet grew fainter. After perhaps a half hour it lifted up its head again and suddenly I could see a bulge at the very top of the stem where it met the head. I watched in horror, realizing it was now fully swallowing poor Tiffany. The lump inside was not moving and thrashing around like before. I wondered if she was still alive as the Tiffany-sized lump slowly travelled down the stem. I was pretty sure she was not and I began sobbing.

(to be continued...)


  1. What happened to part 3?

  2. where is part 3? i love this story

  3. I'm creating images, of guys and girls in trouble.
    Hungry monsters and dangerous tentacles.
    The young victims put on their feet, sneakers.
    I would like you to create a story for the pictures.
